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Greetings from NESA 

Wow, February has flown by, and what a wonderful and busy season it has been! We hope you’ve been enjoying your activities and connecting with friends here at NESA!

It has been great to see the weather improving; we look forward to even more warmth and sunshine as we step into March. As we wrap up this month and welcome a new one, we have some important updates to share with our community.

Please read below for some important information about the Northgate Facility and NESA operations, along with some exciting details about upcoming events—we would love for you to be a part of them.

We look forward to seeing you soon!

Important Dates to Note

Northgate Temporary Closure: August 2025 

During the rehabilitation work on the Northgate Lions Centre project in 2023-2024, it was discovered that EPCOR had updated the enclosure requirements for the Main Distribution Panel [MDP], and the enclosure as designed would no longer meet new code requirements.
The main distribution panel replacement is an important aspect of the facility rehabilitation as the current panel has exceeded its life expectancy. Unfortunately, the lead (order) time on the new approved panel was 26 weeks and therefore would not arrive until after the main project was completed.
The project will require another shut down of the Northgate Lions Recreation Centre in the summer of 2025 to complete the installation of the MDP panel.
The Northgate closure is tentatively scheduled for August 5-25, 2025.
What does this mean for NESA?
Operations will continue as scheduled between now and the end of July. In the coming months we will update you with more information about where our temporary office will be located during the building closure. Rest assured, when we have more information and details confirmed we will share this with you!

NESA's Annual General Meeting

Join us for NESA's Annual General Meeting on Friday, April 4 at 1:00 pm as we review 2024 and look forward to the future by meeting the new Board candidates and meet other members at a post-meeting social gathering.
Refreshments will be served; advanced registration is required. Register in person or online (look in course catalog for [NESA 2024 Annual General Meeting]).Please note that an active 2024 NESA Membership is required in order to attend and participate in this meeting. 
Click here to register today!

The St. Patrick's Day Event at NESA

Get your tickets for NESA's upcoming St. Patrick's Day event scheduled for Friday, March 15, 2025. Tickets are on sale until end of day March 7 so click here to get yours today!

Free Income Tax Clinic at NESA

The NESA's Free Income Tax Clinic is back! This is a partnership between NESA and the CRA with the intent to provide free income tax service to local seniors.
The tax clinic will run from March 10 to April 30, 2025.
To be eligible, you must be a senior with an income that is less than $35,000 for one person and $45,000 for two people.

If you qualify and would like to access the program, please give us a call at 780-496-6969. When you call, we will book your appointment. Feel free to tell your friends and family!

Beware of Icy Surfaces!

As we continue to experience continuous melting-freezing cycles, the Northgate parking lot can be quite icy at times, even with the City of Edmonton's efforts to lay sand and gravel.
If you need assistance walking from your car into the building, please call us at 780-496-6969 and a staff member would be happy to come and assist you into the building. 

Assisted Living Alberta

The Government of Alberta is gathering input about the continuing care system in our province and would like to hear from you!
Please click here to learn more and to complete their survey.

Are you in need of Home Supports?

Are you or another senior in search of Home Supports? Looking for referrals to reputable service providers who can help you get the work you need done?
Click here for more information on who you can contact today! 

Grocery Gift Cards - Get Yours Today!

Did you know that NESA sells grocery gift cards for Sobeys, Safeway, and Save-On Foods? For every grocery card you buy from NESA, our senior's recreation centre earns a small percentage from each card sale. Those funds then go towards our various seniors fundraising initiatives at NESA.
If you are interested in purchasing a grocery gift card, please visit us during our office hours.
Click here for our office hours. Thank you for supporting our fundraiser! 

Follow NESA on Social Media

Click the icons below to view our social media accounts and to join our online community!
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North Edmonton Seniors Association
7524 - 139 Avenue
Edmonton, Alberta
T5C 3H7

Office: 780-496-6969
Fax: 780-496-4707
Subscribe to our email list.