January 15, 2021 | 2 Shevat 5781
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NEWS & VIEWS Lifelong Learning Issue
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The Joys of Exploration and Discovery
By Dr. Susie Tanchel Vice President, Hebrew College Community Education
Every time I read the parsha (the weekly Torah reading), I am amazed at its relevance to our lives, right in this moment. As we in the United States are focused on a Presidential transition and the essential qualities of a leader, in the cycle of Torah readings, we are learning about a leadership transition and the leadership of Moses and of Pharaoh.
When I was younger my understanding of these chapters was deeply influenced by other’s experience and knowledge; now my reading of this (and other Jewish texts) is informed by my life experience and knowledge and the current historical moment in which I find myself. Though the text remains the same, its possible meanings and relevance to my life now are very different. I notice new aspects of the texts, I wonder about different moments, I ask new questions, and what troubles me and what gives me hope are different. The same text is yielding many new possibilities. This, for me, is part of the joy of discovery that comes from being a lifelong learner.
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Find Your Journey
Ask these questions to find the right Hebrew College program for you:
- Do you want to study with peers or alongside our rabbinical and cantorial students?
- How intensive do you want your class to be?
- How often do you want to meet?
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My Classmates Made It Special By Steven Targum, Hebrew College Trustee and community education student
I’ve been a Hebrew College Me’ah Select regular for several years and have enjoyed the topics, the teaching, and the discussions that I’ve had with other adult learners like myself. A few years ago, I tried a different teaching environment when I attended a Zionism seminar as a non-credit student at the Rabbinical School of Hebrew College.
The class was taught by Rabbi Dan Judson, Dean of Graduate Leadership Programs, and offered a fresh format that was both energizing and inspirational . . . .
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Connecting to Grandchildren through Hebrew College’s Ulpan
Every Monday and Wednesday morning, Lori Kahn and her husband, Arnold Freedman (above), log onto Zoom from different rooms in their house—Lori is in the kitchen, Arnie is in the den—to join their Hebrew College Ulpan class. They read and write, share stories and photographs with their classmates, and practice Hebrew conversational skills . . . .
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The Scrolls of Redemptions (Megillot haGe'ulah)
Reflections on Parashat Va’eira (Exodus 6:2-9:35) By Rachel Adelman, PhD, Hebrew College Associate Professor of Bible I recently heard a fascinating interview with the psychiatrist Bessel van der Kolk, an expert on the treatment of trauma. He defines trauma as overwhelmingly negative experiences which become lodged in the body beyond the reach of language. As an expert on PTSD (Post-traumatic stress disorder), he maintains that the “talking cure”—the traditional psychoanalytic attempt to make a coherent narrative of one’s trauma—cannot really help patients, but embodied work such as EMDR (eye movement desensitization and reprocessing therapy), mindfulness, and even yoga can.
This week’s Torah reading speaks to that very attempt to provide the “talking cure” to the Israelites, yet they will have none of it!
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Hebrew College mourns the passing of Donald Bavly z”l, husband of Beverly Gann Bavly, on January 12. Our most sincere condolences go to Beverly, a treasured member of the Hebrew College community, and the Bavly and Gann families.
Hebrew College also mourns the passing of Daniel Schafler z"l on December 8. He was the son of late Hebrew College President Rabbi Dr. Samuel Schafler and Hebrew College board member Mrs. Sara Schafler, and brother of Seth Schafler, Gila Schafler, and Rabbi Perry Schafler. Our deepest condolences go to the Schafler family.
May the Holy One comfort these families among the other mourners of Zion and Jerusalem.
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Hebrew College Spring Benefit & Celebration May 2, 2021
Honoring the co-chairs of the capital campaign for our new shared campus, "Branching Out, Building Together"
Beverly Bavly - Nancy Belsky - Andy Offit Susan Schechter - Myra L. Snyder - Diane Troderman
Details coming soon!
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ONLINE EVENTS | All times are EST (U.S.)
January Prozdor Immersive: The Tzedek Edition A Day of Deep-Dive Learning for Teens and Parents $36 household/$25 individual January 17 | 10 a.m.-7 p.m. Learn more & register
The Big Bold Jewish Climatefest Hebrew College, co-sponsor & participant January 27-31 | 9 a.m.-4 p.m. All sessions free Learn more
A Musical Meditation & Celebration of Tu B'Shevat Jewish Culturefest: Food, Music, and You Workshop #2 Co-sponsored by Hebrew College, CJP, Temple Beth Sholom, Temple Beth Am, Congregation Or Atid, 2Life Communities Shillman House, Temple Israel Natick, and Congregation Beth El January 27 | 7-8:30 p.m. Learn more & register
Virtual Torah Godly Play Training February 21 |4-7 p.m. February 23 | 6-8 p.m. March 9 | 6-8 p.m. Learn more & register
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Hebrew College's educational and cultural programs invigorate Jewish life and bring Jewish values to bear on the critical issues of our time. We do it with your support! Please make your fully-deductible investment to empower our thriving community.
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