January 12, 2018
Volume 37, #19

Calendar Updates and Reminders

January 19 - Sexual Harassment and Social Justice:
                     What History Can Teach Us About Today’s “Me Too” Movement, 2:15 PM
January 21 - 6th grade Information Session, 1 PM
January 30 - APC (Academy Parents Council) Meeting, 7 PM at the Northampton home of Jean Zimmer

Report Cards

With students finishing math exams on Tuesday (1/16), we hope to publish report cards to NetClassroom by Wednesday, January 24th. Please contact John Schatz if you do not have your NetClassroom login information.


Thanks to all who helped make this project a great success. Here are excerpts from the full video, which can be viewed on our home page.

6th Grade Information Session

Please help us spread the word about our upcoming event for families of prospective 6th grade students. Share our Facebook post, direct interested friends, family members, colleagues and neighbors to our website for more information and to pre-register, and/or suggest that they contact us directly to learn about this program.
Thanks for your help!


We are committed to highlighting the value of mindfulness through our advisory program this year, and with exams taking place this week, the Health & Wellness Council has also encouraged the community to consider different techniques of mindfulness and stress management.
Advisories have explored a couple of different activities that come from Dr. Daniel Siegel's book, Brainstorm: The Power and Purpose of the Teenage Brain, which he refers to as "mindsight tools". These have included a practice which Siegel calls "SIFTing the Brain" (SIFT being an acronym for senses, images, feelings and thoughts, with each component of the acronym serving as a venue through which the participant notices the mind's activity), as well as "Mindsight Illuminated" in which one shifts between practicing physical vs. perceptual seeing of the world around us (i.e. watching people walk down the street and observing them as objects in space vs. seeing them as humans and reading cues about their inner lives). We'll continue exploring Siegel's activities as the year progresses.
During this week's advisory, students and teachers explored an app called Stop, Breathe & Think, which could be accessed on a computer, tablet or smartphone. This app provides a personalized experience, and can help users track their progress in several areas, as well as provide specific meditations based on a check-in survey.
The Health & Wellness Council has also encouraged community members to notice ways in which they might be practicing mindfulness this week (such as listening to music, doing mindful breathing, etc.), and to mark charts that are posted around the school. They also hosted mindful meditation sessions prior to each exam period, and will do so again for Tuesday's math exams.


Concert highlights (just some of the many!) are featured in a short clip on our home page. Scroll down and have a look there and if you would like to see more you can still order a DVD or download of the complete 2017 Winter Concert. Tom Adams of Reelife Productions created a professionally recorded and edited version as a keepsake for your family. To order DVD copies ($20 each, including shipping), click HERE. An online/downloadable is available for $10 HERE.


Sexual Harassment and Social Justice: What History Can Teach Us About Today’s “Me Too” Movement

January 19, 2:15 PM

Our Social Justice Council will be welcoming Smith College Professor
Carrie N. Baker, J.D., Ph.D. for a presentation on the history of sexual harassment, as well as a reflection on what we're seeing in our contemporary society. Staff and students will be in attendance, and parents are welcome to join us as well. The Social Justice Council hopes that this presentation will provide valuable food for thought, and energize our community towards creating a larger scale learning opportunity for the greater public. A brief description of the program from Professor Baker appears below. Please contact Nora Bates Zale with any questions or concerns.
Members of Congress are resigning and media companies are firing top newscasters and writers for sexual harassment. Women are standing up and declaring “me too,” finding each other and speaking out. Author of The Women’s Movement Against Sexual Harassment and Smith College Professor Carrie N. Baker, J.D., Ph.D. will reflect on what’s happening today by looking back at the history of sexual harassment, women’s resistance, and legal change.

Cultural Close-up:  Three Kings' Day

Most of Spanish 5 students enjoy the traditional Spanish "Rosca de Reyes" cake. 
Gus G and Atticus R taste the "Rosca de Reyes" for the first time.
Ruby R and Greta M were among the lucky recipients of paper crowns.
Nellie B-O and Lilah F earned their crowns as a result of finding a bean or plastic baby in the "Rosca de Reyes" cake or " Galette des Rois" pastry, which celebrates the Spanish and French traditions on Epiphany.

2017-18 Updated School Directory Available

Want to know how to contact other students, parents and staff? Wonder which team your child is on? Want to email an entire grade? The updated (version 3) 2017-18 Directory is now available as a secure download from The Academy's website. This link will take you to a private, password-protected vault where you can download the document. The password has not changed.

SPORTS NOTES - Ultimate Coaches Needed

Spring sports are right around the corner and as always, we are looking for strong leadership for our Ultimate program. If you or anyone you know might have interest, please take a look at this posting and contact John Schatz.
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