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A lonely dairy calf
A lonely dairy calf in her individual plastic hut
Honor Mothers of All Species this Mother's Day
Farmed animals care about their babies and are some of the most devoted mothers in the animal kingdom. Yet animal agriculture is built on the destruction of motherhood. Every year, billions of farmed animals are forcibly bred for the sole purpose of being exploited and killed for their milk and flesh. 
Did you know?
Dairy cows are repeatedly impregnated and calf after calf is taken from them just days after birth, so that the milk produced for their young can instead be consumed by humans. Male calves are sent to be raised and slaughtered for beef or veal, while female calves are typically raised as dairy cows, like their mothers – beginning this cruel cycle of life and death all over again..
Mother pigs spend months on end confined in gestation crates during pregnancy and farrowing crates during nursing, only able to nurse and connect with their piglets through metal bars. They’ll spend their entire lives nearly immobilized.
At the hatcheries that supply female chicks to factory egg farms, small farms, and backyard egg enthusiasts alike, male chicks are killed shortly after birth by being ground up alive in giant macerators, gassed, electrocuted, or left to suffocate in garbage bags and dumpsters. Because male chicks will never lay eggs, they are considered worthless to the egg industry, and so are disposed of as trash.
Lauren, one of ARC's VegKins coordinators, recently said, "I was one of the people who thought they loved animals all my life, while eating them. When my son was born and after watching documentaries I became vegan overnight after learning the truth about dairy. (I thought cows just made milk for no reason.) I couldn't harm another mother and child, and I also felt responsibility to save the environment so Simon can live a long healthy life on this planet. I love teaching him about why we are vegan and how we can help others become vegan."  Please consider joining Lauren in adopting a plant-based diet. Contact ARC for help if you're interested in going and staying  vegan in a way that works for you.
Misty pauses to admire Xavier from afar
Misty pauses to admire Xavier the rooster
Help Chicken Run Get Ready for Spring!
We rescheduled the ARC Volunteer Day at Chicken Run Rescue to Saturday, May 26 because of the late spring snowfall, so you can still sign up to help CRR get ready for spring. At this annual chicken chore party we will help to get the birds’ playgrounds ready for spring and will perform any tasks that need doing, including garden work. There will be plenty of variety for all levels of strength and mobility. Yummy plant-based refreshments from Root to Rise Kitchen will be provided by ARC. Come and meet some of the animals you advocate for.
RSVP now for Volunteer Day as this event is limited to 20 people!
Virtual Reality at the Longevity Expo and MCTC Sustainabiity Fair
A big thanks to all the ARC volunteers at the Longevity Expo and the Sustainability Fair at Metropolitan Community & Technical College for helping people get set up with virtual reality to view the lives of animals raised for food and for tirelessly handing out literature and food samples. We had many friendly, informative conversations with people interested in learning more about how to transition to plant-based eating.
We also spoke to students at the School of Environmental Studies at the Minnesota Zoo about the connection between animal agriculture and its devastating effects on the environment. The students were a wonderful audience and they provided delicious vegan food to finish the day. Thank you to Karrie Vrabel for providing her environmental knowledge.
A great team at the Longevity Expo
Handing out dairy-free yogurt samples
Setting up for the MCTC Sustainability Fair put on by the 3 Legged Frog student group
Publicizing a great new book "Eat for the Planet: Saving the World One Bite at a Time"
Educating the Public about Animals in Entertainment
ARC joined animal activists in Duluth to protest cruelty to animals at the AAD Shrine Circus at Amsoil Arena. Despite the incredibly windy and sometimes snowy weather, we had a great turnout and it was fun to connect with like-minded people in Duluth, as well as connect them to one another, and get active for the animals. All the waves and honks from people passing by were very encouraging! We also co-sponsored a protest at the Osman Shrine Circus at the State Fairgrounds in St. Paul, on another windy, snowy day. Kudos to all the activists who braved the weather to advocate for the animals.
Protesting the Duluth Shrine Circus
At the Duluth Shrine Circus
Join hosts Chelsea and Norine along with returning guest TJ Long, personal trainer and health coach, for Feed Me Vegan Episode 35, Simply Raw Blends, and learn how to make your own quick and easy raw vegan meals.
Animal Rights Coalition
317 West 48th Street Minneapolis, MN 55419 612.822.6161
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