MAY 26, 2020

Leach Prom a Day to be Remembered

Kudos to Principal Kristina Lamia and her dedicated staff for the amazing virtual graduation they put together for three very special students, the Leach graduates of 2020. The day began as staff from the school did a special drive-by celebration at all three graduates' homes. The day concluded with a virtual commencement exercise with remarks by Principal Kristina Lamia, keynote speaker Senator Nicole Poore (mother of graduate Nicholas Poore),, Superintendent Dr. Jeffrey Menzer, and board member Lucy Kennedy. Good luck and best wishes to graduates, Nick Poore, Kevin Caicedo, and Tiffany Demby as they embark on life after their time in Colonial and just remember . . . Once a Colonial, Always a Colonial!
You can watch the video of the commencement at

DE's Top Educator Speaks to Grads

Delaware Secretary of Education, Dr. Susan Bunting has a message for the graduating class of 2020. To view, click the link:

Calling All Seniors!

WITN TV needs your help in putting together a congratulatory video for 2020 graduates. 

All you need to do is share the link  WITN Graduation Photo Project Upload at within your social media platforms or via email, with residents, families, friends, colleagues, businesses, schools, etc. If you’d like, please include a short personal note from yourself to invite them to be a part of this video project. Or use(copy/paste) this message "Help us create a video congratulation to our 2020 Graduates. Click the link to add your graduate’s photo. The deadline for submissions is May 27th,  2020.” 

The link sends them to a quick form that asks for the graduate's name, school, and photo. 

Also, William Penn’s 2020 senior class photos will also be sent to The News Journal for publication. Details on the date will soon be announced.

Student Belongings Pickup

During the week of June 15th, schools will allow families to pick up any necessary belongings through a curbside pickup. By the end of this week, please visit your school’s website at and Facebook pages for additional info pertaining to plans for your child’s school pickup plans.

DE TOY Included

 Governor John Carney and Secretary of Education Susan Bunting recently announced a public strategy to plan for the safe reopening of Delaware school buildings. Three COVID-19 School Reopening Working Groups will advise the Delaware Department of Education (DOE), Delaware school districts, and charter schools on ways to safely and effectively reopen Delaware school buildings. Colonial’s Rebecca Vitelli, Delaware’s Teacher of the Year, will serve on the Academics and Equity Group. Thank You, Ms. Vitelli, for representing Who WE are!

Student & Family Wellness Series Continues

Last week, Colonial's Director of Behavior Health, Dr. Jon Cooper (above) shared information about the importance of separating out what you can and cannot control.  This week, he is sharing information about the value of “noticing and managing your worried thoughts.”  As you go about your daily tasks this week, we hope that you find the information below helpful. Learn more at

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