Update for families about COVID-19 and the coronavirus

March 6, 2020
Good afternoon Roseville Area Schools families,
Many regions around the world—including the U.S.—are experiencing an expanding outbreak of the coronavirus respiratory illness known as COVID-19. This is an emerging, rapidly evolving situation that may have implications for Minnesota communities, including schools, in the coming days and weeks.
Roseville Area Schools is receiving regular updates from the Minnesota Department of Health, and we are working closely with Ramsey County Emergency Management to ensure that we have contingency plans in place for a potential outbreak of COVID-19 in our community. This will include regular communication with staff, families, students and the community.

Know the facts and stay up to date on the current status of COVID-19 in Minnesota

Some families may have plans to travel abroad over spring break. As of today, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have identified Iran, Italy, South Korea and China as Level 3 warning destinations, recommending that travelers avoid all nonessential travel to these four countries. Travelers returning to the U.S. from those countries need to take special precautions upon their return.
As we work with our public health partners to prepare, we want to ensure that this health risk does not stigmatize or isolate certain populations of students and families based on discriminatory beliefs. COVID-19 is not connected to any race, ethnicity or nationality. Discrimination and stigmas will not fight this illness. Please follow these links for the latest accurate information about COVID-19.
Minnesota Department of Health (MDH):
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC):
It is still cold and flu season, so whether or not we have cases of COVID-19 in Minnesota, it’s important to practice good hygiene habits to avoid the spread of illness and to help keep you and your family healthy:
  • Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
  • Stay home when you are sick.
  • Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, or cough or sneeze into your upper sleeve, not your hands (see the "Dracula cough" below!)
  • Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds or use an alcohol-based hand cleaner.
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed hands.
  • Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces.
National Public Radio has published a child-friendly comic that answers what experts believe children may want to kow about the new coronavirus and COVID-19. It may help decrease students’ concerns and worries about the virus.
We appreciate your partnership in supporting the health and safety of our school community. If you have further questions, please email communications@isd623.org.
Have a great spring break!
Coughing/sneezing in your sleeve helps prevent the spread of cold and flu germs.
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