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It's time for some fun, so let's have a contest!
Cec has collaborated on many book projects for high-profile people. Below and to the right are pictures of a few of them with a clue to who they are. The first person to email me (Twila) with the names of each of the people, and at least one title that Cec has written for them, will win a free book and a packet of Murphey's Maxims.
Cec wrote for both of these people. This man died and lived to tell about it. His wife walked through some dark times.
She's a victim of sex trafficking and now works closely with law enforcement agencies to eliminate human slavery.
Ghostwriting: The Murphey Method
In Ghostwriting: The Murphey Method--Cec's newest book--he tells about the process of writing all of these (and more) people's stories. 
Permission and Support
A friend recently said that at his job he received permission to try new things. He then added, “But I also receive little support.”
I’ve been pondering those words for a couple of weeks. Too often that’s the way things work in my life. For example, as an author, let’s say I come up with what I call a good idea for a book. I used to tell my close friends and associates and they replied, “Sure, go for it.” “Sounds fine.” “Why don’t you do it?” Their “permission” pushed me forward.
It’s unfortunate, but most of those permission givers don’t continue to encourage me. It’s not their responsibility to do that, but, I remind myself, we all need a cheering section—those people who truly believe in us, want us to succeed, and nourish our efforts until we triumph.
As I continued to think about my friend’s comment, I wondered how many times I gave permission but didn’t follow up with interest and concern.
Worse, how many times have I given permission and assumed I’ve provided needed support?
My friend’s words have challenged me to offer both approval and concern as they trudge forward. A few times I’ve been sensitive enough to ask about their progress, but not often.
One more question I asked myself this week was, “What does it take to provide that support?”
The answer was simple: An occasional email, text, call, or in-person asking, “How are you doing on …?” “Is there anything I can do to help?” “If you need to talk about it, I’m available.”
Those efforts demand little from us but provide immense encouragement to those who need it. 
We all need a cheering section...
Personal News
  • For the four Sundays in June, I taught a course called “Humor in the Bible” at my church. I enjoyed the research and the warm reception from the members. Best of all, they laughed. (I’ll repeat the lessons to other classes at church.)

  • I’ll fly into Houston in July to work on what will be my final book. While there I plan to have lunch or dinner with Don Piper, for whom I wrote 90 Minutes in Heaven and other books.

  • I’ve agreed to speak to a group of Stephen Ministers (lay people trained to provide one-to-one care for people experiencing a difficult time).

  • Yesterday, after being able to read for three hours without interruption, I prayed, “Thank you, Lord, for a delightful, non-productive day.” 
He's an ultra-distance runner, a global goodwill ambassador, and he ran The Great Wall of China.
He's a missionary, evangelist, the son of a famous evangelist, and is the president and CEO of his dad's association.
An award-winning teacher and principal, he's an internationally recognized speaker and educator.
A world-renowned neurosurgeon and a candidate for President of the United States, he is now the U.S. Secretary for HUD.
He cooked chicken for a living and did a lot of good for a lot of people. His restaurant chain is closed on Sundays.
A former gang leader, drug dealer, and pimp, he's now a highly respected pioneer of community restoration.
The Twila Zone--
Words from My Assistant, Twila Belk
I had the great privilege of keynoting for the Kentucky Christian Writers Conference June 22-24, and what joy for me to have my daughter, Laney, along with me. She took three days off work, rode MegaBus from Chicago to the Quad City Airport in Moline, Illinois, and I picked her up en route to Kentucky. It was a special time for both of us--a gift from God to me. (Cec thinks he's God's favorite, but I know it's really me who is.)  
I don't have any other events on my schedule until November 4, when I'll speak for Iron Sharpens Iron for Women in Clinton, Iowa. My reconstruction surgery scheduled for July 11 has been postponed. I didn't get clearance from my doctor due to my current risk factor for complications and infections, so I'm going to use this time to work on getting Twila healthy. 
I turned in the manuscript for The Power to Be: Be Still, Be Grateful, Be Strong, Be Courageous--a 40-day devotional journal that will be published by BroadStreet Publishing. I'm currenty at work on the edits and securing endorsements.
I continue to write bi-monthly articles for Positive Note Magazine. The theme for the July/August issue was Loving Life, and my article (on page 4) is titled "A Few of My Favorite Things." (And yes, the song from The Sound of Music was stuck in my mind as I wrote it.) I also continue to contribute devotions for use on a well-known public figure's website, and I'm a panelist for The Writer's View.
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