March 9, 2023 | 16 Adar 5783
Reimagining Jewish learning and leadership for an interconnected world.
Parashat Ki Tisa | Candlelighting 5:27 PM EST
It was asked of the episode of the golden calf:
Where was Miriam?
A new version of the story emerged (a midrash)—When Moses was long in coming down from the mountain—too long—the people came to Aaron, feeling abandoned by Moses and by God. As Aaron instructed the people, Miriam watched from afar as it says, “his sister stationed herself at a distance,” (Exodus 2:4).
אוֹצָרוֹת: Otzarot Concert to Highlight Musical Treasures of Hebrew College
“When getting ready to move to the new Hebrew College shared campus, going through boxes and boxes of music under our desks, Kol Arev Music Director Amy Lieberman and I found pieces in Ladino, in Hebrew, settings of Yiddish folk music—so many musical treasures, some of which we will be performing with our other treasures, our cantorial alumni and Hebrew College Kol Arev chamber choir.” —
Cantor Lynn Torgove, Kol Arev Artistic Director
Beacons of Hope: Our Interreligious S/Heroes—Tara Brach
Tara Brach is an American psychologist, author, and founder of the Insight Meditation community in Washington DC. Tara is my interreligious hero—not on account of any specific work she has done to build bridges between faith communities—though her work regularly unites people across faith—but because of her promotion of the values that animate our religious commitments: justice, peace, compassion, and understanding—irrespective of creed. She’s made and continues to make practical, loving, and deep spirituality accessible to millions.
“We Were the Double Load Kids”: Alumni from the 1960s Reunite & Reminisce
“Our social life was Hebrew College and we loved that,” said Susan Fish, a graduate of Hebrew College’s Bachelor of Jewish Education program in 1964. “We weren’t taking piano lessons, or any of the other lessons that kids can take today: our lives were Hebrew College,” she said referring to the dual-enrollment requirements of students in the College’s undergraduate degree program in the 60s-70s.
Catch up on recent Hebrew College news and stories, including articles about faculty, students, and alumni who have been recognized for their work and scholarship. Read more...
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Hebrew College dedicated the new Musicant Cohen Center for Performing Arts at Ordis Hall last Thursday, March 2 with a concert by the all-female band Divahn. The event was co-sponsored by Hebrew College and campus partners Jewish Arts Collaborative (JARs). Pictured l-r: JArts Executive Director Laura Mandel, Divan lead singer Galeet Dardashi, Hebrew College President Rabbi Sharon Cohen Anisfeld, Myra Musicant, and Howard Cohen.
Hebrew College Spring Gala
Honoring Dan Miller and Andy Offit Presenting the Esther Award to sculptor Nancy Schön Live music with Rabbi Jessica Kate Meyer `14
May 4 | 6:30 p.m. | Hebrew College
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Nashirah: We Sing!
Hebrew College is co-sponsoring this concert with our campus partner Zamir Chorale of Boston and Nashirah Choir of Philadelphia. March 12 | 3 p.m. | Hebrew College
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Joey Weisenberg Concert Co-sponsored by Hadar Boston, Temple Reyim, Hebrew College, JARTS, Jewish Women's Archive, Kesher Newton, Keshet, Mayyim Hayyim, Massachusetts Board of Rabbis, Zamir May 17 | Doors open at 7 p.m. | Concert 7:30-9 p.m. Musicant Cohen Center for Performing Arts at Ordis Hall More details to come
Otzarot Concert: Musical Treasures of Hebrew College
The concert will feature cantorial alumni and Hebrew College’s chamber choir Kol Arev, who will perform newly discovered music from the Hebrew College archives! March 23 | 7-9 p.m. | Hebrew College
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Preparing our Hearts for Passover and Easter (2023)
An exploration of theological, ritual, and vocational commonalities, & differences. Prepare personally for the upcoming holy days and make meaningful connections. March 24 | 8:30 a.m.-12 p.m. | Temple Beth Zion
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Tikkun Leyl Shavuot
May 25 | Time TBD | Hebrew College Mascott Beit Midrash More details to come
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