April 24, 2024  

This beautiful new Cross and Flame quilt is now gracing the vestibule of the Worship Center. Hand made and given by PHUMC Quilting Ministry member Dee Stallings, the quilt was installed as a wall hanging by our PHUMC Youth and Youth Director, Geoff Davidson.
     The Cross and Flame is the traditional symbol of the United Methodist Church. The cross reminds us of Jesus' sacrifice for us, and the flame reminds us of the presence of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost (Acts 2), the beginning of the Christian church in the world. 

College Care Packages

College finals are looming, which means it's care package season! Use this form to register yourself or your student by today, Wednesday, April 24.

Baccalaureate Sunday--May 5th

Swing by the youth suite at 9:30 am May 5 to grab some food and wish our graduates well, then join us for worship at 10:45 as we recognize our seniors! Families of high school and college seniors, please reach out to Geoff by today, April 24 if somehow we missed contacting you so we can be sure to include your graduate.

Get to know your PHUMC family. 

We have heard from many of you that we need some space outside of worship to fellowship, learn names, and get to know one another better. Join us this Sunday, April 28, at Liberty Park at 4:30 or anytime after. We are working on plans for pizza and sno-cones.  Bring a chair and a bottle of water, and come enjoy an evening out. Choir and youth will not meet so that they can join us at the park.  
A friend in the community is in need of a washing machine. Contact Linda in the office if you can provide a used (but working) washer. 

Two ways to engage in the life of the church at PHUMC

At PHUMC’s January Mission and Ministry Day apart, members discussed how we might better care for and support one another as a church family.  A few of those present at the meeting met later to further develop this idea and begin the work on a congregational care team for PHUMC. The first meeting of this new ministry is Wednesday, May 1 at 5:30 in the parlor of the education building.  If you feel led to be a part of this new ministry or just want to hear more about it, join the team May 1.    

Our next mission and ministry time apart together is Wednesday, May 8 at 6:00 pm in the Garden room. Come dream and plan alongside your PHUMC family.  Dinner provided and childcare available upon request.    

District 4 (formerly East and West Jackson District) of the Mississippi Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church is hosting its second annual Missions in May, Saturday, May 18.  Join other United Methodists from across Central Mississippi in reaching out in service and love. Click the link to register. The five mission areas provide an opportunity for all skill sets to serve.  We hope you'll join in for a day of service and fellowship with other UM laity and clergy.  All Mission sites will begin volunteering at 8:00 a.m. and conclude the day of service at noon.  
Children 2nd-4th grade are invited to attend acolyte training this Sunday, April 28. We will meet in the Garden at 9:30 a.m. and walk over to the worship center together for training. Serving as an acolyte is a great opportunity for our children to lead and assist in worship. If you're interested or have any questions contact Haven.
Children's Sunday School begins in the Garden at 9:30 am. Ages 3 years old - 4th grade welcome. We will focus on the importance of sharing in our Bible stories as we learn more about the Great Commission and stories from the Book of Acts. We will need  a PreK and Kindergarten teacher this Sunday. To *volunteer click this link.
*All volunteers must submit a background check before volunteering with children and youth.  
To stay connected to all KidMin events, get the Remind app and text @phumcc to 81010.
Adults, come serve with our teens and see how God is moving in our youth ministry! Follow this link for a list of our upcoming volunteer needs, including Engage Sunday nights, Wednesday nights, and special events. Our upcoming needs: volunteers and dinner providers for Engage on 5/5 and 5/12.
254 in 2024: We're trading the 601 for the 254 and heading to Waco, TX, June 22-27 to serve and learn at Mission Waco, a Christian nonprofit committed to serving our neighbors in the best ways possible. Full Registration is $300 with a $50 discount for each additional child for our families with multiple youth attending. You can pay via the Vanco App or by clicking here. Final balances are due May 22. Reach out to Geoff if you still want to join or if funding is a concern; we never want money to be why someone misses out! 
To stay connected to all youth events, get the Remind app and text @phumcy to 81010.
PHUMC Kids planted zinnia seeds Sunday after worship with the help of Chere Peel. We will all enjoy watching these beauties grow. Photo courtesy of Chris Todd.
Meeting This Week:  
Tonight:  Beds For Kids--building in basement at 6:00 pm
Thursday: Men's Group at 7:30 am. Join them in the Garden Room
or via Zoom **New Meeting ID: 823 5246 2635
New Password: 142295

      Handbell practice 9:00 am
Ladies Zoom 10:00 am
Meeting ID: 848 7196 9988 (note new meeting ID number)

Women of ALL ages are always welcome!
Small Groups at 9:30 am  Worship at 10:45 am
4:30 Churchwide Picnic at Liberty Park
Choir and Youth Engage will not meet so they can attend the Picnic.
Monday: Quilters meet in the Garden Room, Noon until 3:00 pm
The Sunday Fund is a benevolence fund created to meet the financial burdens of elders who live on a Methodist Senior Services campus across Mississippi. This is your opportunity to assist these elders. Sunday Fund recipients have depleted their financial resources; many have no family or other support available to meet these overwhelming financial emotional obstacles.
April Communion offering to date: $674.00

Year-to-Date, March 2024
Income: $164,048.12
Expenses: $131,663.14 

*Year-to-date PHUMC has paid $850.00 of District and $7,300.00 of Conference Apportioned Mission Shares. 

April Communion Offering: $674.00 to date, supports Methodist Senior Services Sunday Fund.

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