March 15, 2023  

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Sunday, Brad Norris eloquently spoke to us in Worship Service about the Early Response Team (ERT) for UMCOR. Register now for Saturday's ERT training.
Certified Early Response Teams (ERTs) respond to disasters in the days after they happen. ERTs work within our connection alongside United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR).
Crystal Springs United Methodist Church in Crystal Springs is hosting an ERT training this Saturday, March 18 from 9:00 am- 4:00 pm, 306 West Georgetown Street. Register NOW.
The mission of an Early Response Team is to provide a caring Christian presence in the aftermath of a disaster alongside UMCOR, which 
equips local churches, annual conferences and nonprofit organizations to be in mission with their communities and to respond to those left most vulnerable during challenging times. UMCOR responds to U.S. and international disasters, addresses diseases and poverty, assists refugees and immigrants, provides clean water and works to reduce hunger. UMCOR doesn't just respond to the emergency for the short term. Working with local organizations, churches in the community and United Methodist volunteers, UMCOR builds relationships and helps communities rebuild in the years following a disaster.
March Communion Offering, to date, $606.00, supports UMCOR.

Reserve your meal for March 22 here.

Our Lenten journey has begun. I hope part of your Lenten discipline will be a commitment to worship. Each Sunday of Lent, we will meet individuals in the Gospel of John whose face to face encounters with Jesus helped them understand what it means to make a shift, to release, so that they could joyously receive the gospel message. This Sunday, we meet the man born blind.

-Pastor Dawn  

The Men's Ministry would like to invite everyone to a memorial service for our friend

Rev. Ron Allison

Friday, March 24

10:00 am 

Worship Center, Parkway Hills UMC

To reserve your candle, click here. For each name remembered or honored, cost is $10. Reservation forms are also available in the foyer of the Worship Center and in the Church Office on Linda's desk. Deadline for reservation is April 4.
Lent Pop-up Book Club: Lent is the perfect season to dive into some reading that may push us out of our comfort zones. If you are looking for something during this Lenten season to engage, join us in reading “The Cross and the Lynching Tree” by James H. Cone. Pick up a copy of the book, read through Lent, then join your church family for food, fellowship, and conversation Wednesday, April 5 in the Garden multipurpose room. Bring a snack to share.  Drinks will be provided.  
Pick up your Lenten Jar for your family today, and help our Children's Ministry collect coins for the Webster Animal Shelter. See Haven to get your family jar. The children chose the Webster Animal Shelter because of their love and care for animals that do not have homes yet. The Lenten Jars were designed by our Children on the Wednesday Re:Treat Art Night. 
If you'd like to match the children's donation, or assist in giving to the Webster Animal Shelter, 

contact Pastor Haven or give through our Vanco Mobile App.
Thanks to several women of the church aiding with planning, our PHUMC Women’s Ministry has some exciting spring dates for your calendar. The mission of the Women’s Ministry at Parkway Hills UMC is to provide opportunities for creating community for the women of the church and to reflect on what the women of the church can offer to the Madison County community. Take a look at the dates, check your calendar, and come connect with your church family and reach out in service.  

Thursday, March 23: Night Out at Sal & Phil’s @ 6 pm (6600 Old Canton Road, Ridgeland). Dinner and door prizes!!  A great night to invite a friend.

Sunday, April 23: Our Nadia Bolz-Weber watch party last year was a hit, so we are having another, this time with Kate Bowler. Join us in the worship center at 6:45 the evening of Sunday, April 23. Bring a snack to share and we will watch the livestream of Kate Bowler sharing at the Renew conference. For more info, click here.
Or check out her blog

Saturday, May 6: Second Annual Women’s Ministry Plant Swap @ 10 am. Thanks to Rebecca Olack for offering to be the host.  

Day of Service moved to May to coordinate with Habitat Women Build. More information to come.
We need your help to celebrate Spring and Easter hope at Parkway Hills.  Do you love to do tablescapes?  Do you have china you never use?  Sponsor and decorate a table for our celebrate Spring tablescapes meal and fellowship. You do not have to attend the meal to do a table. Do you hate to decorate? Do you wonder why anyone has fancy china? Then just show up, eat, enjoy some live music, and fellowship. While this event is designed for our senior adult ministry, everyone is welcomed to attend and we hope invite a friend!  
Here is all you need to know:

What: Celebrate Spring Tablescapes, Music, Meal and Fellowship/$5 a plate
When: Thursday, April 20 @ 11:30
*RSVP by calling the church office or clicking here by Monday, April 17

*Contact Judy Porter if you are willing to decorate a table.  

Mark your calendars to support PHUMC's Vacation Bible School this Summer. Our theme this year is Operation Restoration, where we learn about the many ways to mend God's world through the themes of healing, forgiving, praying, and resting. This is a great time for your kids to invite friends and neighbors to join in the fun, so be on the lookout for the registration link soon. 
Volunteers Needed
We need your help as we prepare for Operation Restoration, June 11-14. Click this link to register as a volunteer. We'll need volunteers in the areas of arts, story telling, music, science and nature, mission moments, snack supper, decorations, registration and more. There's a place for everyone to volunteer and assist for a restorative week of VBS. A nursery will be provided for parents that are volunteering for VBS, so please let Haven know if you plan to volunteer and will need the nursery. 
-It's tournament time! Correctly pick the winners of the 2023 men's tournament and you win, too. For more details or to get signed up check out this month's youth newsletter. Deadline: 11am tomorrow, Thursday, March 16. 
-Engage is going out to eat to end spring break! See you at Moe's at 5:30 pm, March 19. Bring money for dinner.
-We're headed back to Panama City Beach, July 2-7! Registration is $380, and a $50 deposit secures your spot. Click here to make a payment, or contact Geoff for more info. 

   Meeting This Week: 
Men's Morning Group meets every Thursday morning at 7:30 am.
Join them in the Garden Room or 
via Zoom.
   **New Meeting ID: 823 5246 2635
     New Password: 142295
Handbell practice 9:00 am Thursday in Choir Room.
Parkway Hills Women meet via Zoom every Saturday morning at 10 am.
Meeting ID: 848 7196 9988 (note new meeting ID number)
Women of ALL ages are always welcome!
Choir: 5:30 pm practice this Sunday. 

ENGAGE:is going out to eat to end spring break! See you at Moe's at 5:30pm, March 19. Bring money for dinner.

Prayer Quilt Ministry: meets every Monday from noon until 3:00 pm.

Please bring your plastic Easter eggs and candy for Easter Egg Hunt to the foyer of either building by
Sunday, March 26!

Year to Date, February 2023
Income: $95,757.94
Expenses: $88,763.35

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