January 6, 2021 | 4 Shevat 5782
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Koleinu|our voice|
Reimagining Jewish learning and leadership for an interconnected world.
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Parashat Bo | Candlelighting 4:10 PM EST
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Welcome back to Koleinu ("our voice"), Hebrew College's weekly newsletter. Each week, we send a selection of resources, special features, and reflections in time for Shabbat. We hope you enjoy the inspiring voices of our community during this centennial year!
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SEVENTY FACES OF TORAH This blog also appears weekly in Patheos.
Lighting the Plague of Darkness by Rabbi Tiferet Berenbaum `13 Parashat Bo describes the final three plagues that God wrought on the Egyptian government and its people—plagues of locust, darkness and the death of the firstborn. With the intensity of climate change over the past decade, we have seen a number of headlines that could have been taken straight from these chapters. Yet, nothing has rivaled these past two years of the pandemic. The plague of Covid-19 has touched all of our “tents” in some way. . . .
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CENTENNIAL STORY Coming Full Circle “Studying at Hebrew College was one of the best periods of my life. The learning at the rabbinical school and in the community was so phenomenal. I was deeply engaged with Torah and the community. It totally shaped how I think of myself as a person, as a Jew, and as a rabbi." — Rabbi Seth Wax `13
Learn more...
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SPECIAL UPDATE Centennial Lecture Series
It's not too late to join Hebrew College's special monthly Centennial Lecture Series, "The Old Made New and the New Made Holy." Our discounted mid-session registration rate of $275 provides access to five upcoming lectures as well as to video recordings from the fall lectures with Rabbi Arthur Green, Rabbi Jennie Rosenn, and Rabbi David Ellenson.
Learn more and register...
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Ulpan from Atlanta by Michelle Young Hebrew College Ulpan student I have the best job in the whole world. I teach Judaics to preschoolers and kindergarteners at a Jewish day school in Atlanta. For the past nine summers, I have worked at a Jewish overnight camp in Georgia. My professional and personal life is full of Jewish circles. So, in my daily experience, I use a lot of Hebrew. Recently, I realized that I wanted to learn more, to expand my vocabulary, and to improve my conversational skills. . . .
Read more & register for Ulpan...
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In Memoriam: Murray Tuchman We are saddened to share the news of the passing of Murray Tuchman (1936-2022), who served for 36 years as director of the Hebrew College library in Brookline, Mass. from 1966 to 2001.
“Working with my mother, Helen Sarna, they built the library on Hawes Street in Brookline into one of the best Jewish community libraries in the United States. During Murray's tenure, generations of Hebrew College students, faculty and alumni, along with others in the Boston area, benefited from his quiet, calm demeanor, helpfulness, and learning,” recalled Brandeis University Professor Jonathan Sarna.
Murray was bilingual in Hebrew and English, could read Greek, Russian, German, and French, and held a doctorate in library and information science from Simmons College. May his family be comforted among all the mourners of Zion and Jerusalem.
Please email us if you would like us to share the loss of a loved one with the Hebrew College community.
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IN THE NEWS Catch up on recent Hebrew College news and stories, including articles about faculty, students, and alumni who have been recognized for their work and scholarship. Read more....
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Masks required for all on-campus events. Please check our website for updates about COVID protocols and event changes, including moving in-person events to Zoom or other virtual platforms.
CENTENNIAL EVENT Extended through January: “Seeing Torah” Art Exhibit “Seeing Torah” is a visual diary documenting artist Anita Rabinoff-Goldman’s study of and artistic response to each of the 54 portions of the Torah over the cycle of a single Jewish year. September 12 - January 31 | Hebrew College | Free Learn more & visit
Vocalpalooza! Music for Solo Voices and Chorus Kol Arev, Hebrew College’s Chamber Chorus-in-residence, will perform work in Hebrew, Ladino, Italian, and Yiddish. February 7, 1-2 p.m. | Hebrew College | Free Learn more & register
Shirah B’Yachad – Singing Together! A Concert Celebrating Cantor Louise Treitman Presented in collaboration with Hebrew College choir-in-residence Kol Arev and Zamir Chorale of Boston. April 5, 7:30-9 p.m. | Temple Reyim | Vaccination and masks required Learn more & register
SAVE THE DATE Hebrew College Commencement & Ordination May 29 | Watch for more information soon
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SAVE THE DATE Hebrew College Centennial Celebration: Remember. Renew. Reimagine. Temple Beth Elohim, Wellesley June 2 | 6:30-9 p.m. Learn more | Watch for more information coming soon
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Please help open the doors of Jewish learning to students of all backgrounds and ages—and join Hebrew College in making our lives more meaningful, our communities more vibrant, and our world more whole. Your gift of any amount will make a real difference. Make a gift
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