B N I M ' S   M O N T H L Y    |   J U L Y   2 0 2 2
Leading the Future - Meet BNIM's Summer Interns
Leading the Future.  
M E E T   O U R    2 0 2 2   S T U D E N T   I N T E R N S  
With the opportunity to bring new energy, perspectives, and curiosity together with professional expertise and design experience, internships are a catalyst for innovation in the workplace. BNIM's summer internship program helps our studios to:
  • Guide and support students whose skillsets, passions, and initiatives are positively shaping the future profession
  • Create an environment for learning by doing where students take on active roles within our project teams 
  • Emphasize the importance of advocacy and mentorship to further professional and academic development 

BNIM’s student interns are bringing leading-edge skills and ideas to our studios and projects this summer. These impressive young professionals are also helping make way for critical change in the industry in emphasizing equity, diversity, inclusivity, and sustainability in design. We are excited to introduce our fantastic intern group and to share what they have been up to at BNIM this summer.

R E A D   M O R E   
M O N T H L Y   M I N D F U L   U P D A T E

I N   T H E   N E W S

This summer, BNIM’s Will Trakas and James Baker collaborated with a group of nearly 440 high school students from across the Kansas City metro in an engaging internship program: ProX.
The purpose of ProX is to create a regional hub for high school students to gain professional, hands-on experience that will support their growth and future success. BNIM challenged the students to explore how pre-fabrication, architecture, and Kansas City’s position as a logistics hub could be a new business solution for housing development.
In turn, the students challenged BNIM with their "fresh takes on our industry [that] give us clearer and perhaps more lofty expectations of ourselves," said James Baker. ProX's program has helped introduce students to architecture as a career path and shape the future of design.  M O R E

P R O J E C T   F E A T U R E

Habitat for Humanity of Kansas City (Habitat KC) Office Renovation is a transformational project that renews Habitat KC's existing office space, formerly a two-story Original Greek Orthodox Church, as a facility that enhances overall organizational function and establishes a healthy, inspiring environment.
The renovation aims to better support Habitat KC in their work to help families in the community build strength, stability, and self-reliance through shelter. The design introduces 31 private and open office spaces; a board meeting room; break area and community kitchen; mother's room; building workshop; and a large multi-functional community gathering room. Compared to pre-existing conditions, this renovation acknowledges the dignity of all visitors, partners, and staff through the quality and diversity of the spaces.  M O R E
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