Read the latest updates from the National HCH Council.
Read the latest updates from the National HCH Council.
Council News
December 2015
2016 Spring Regional Training: March 31-April 1, 2016 in Denver, Colorado
Save the Date: 2016 Spring Regional Training
The National Health Care for the Homeless Council will hold its 2016 Spring Regional Training on March 31-April 1, 2016, at the Colorado Convention Center in Denver, Colorado. Please join us for two full days of workshop sessions focusing on best practices and emerging trends in delivering health care to people experiencing homelessness. HCH professionals can sharpen their practice and hone their advocacy with diverse sessions on topics ranging from behavioral health integration and veterans’ health to cultural competency and consumer leadership. Registration, workshop topics, and other event details will become available here. For more information, email Alyssa Curtis, Training Coordinator.
Clinicians' Network
Join the Clinicians' Network Steering Committee
Do you provide hands-on care to people experiencing homelessness? Are you looking for professional development opportunities or national involvement on issues of homeless health care? If so, nominate yourself or a colleague for the Clinicians’ Network Steering Committee. The Steering Committee contributes to the clinical agenda of the National HCH Council and fosters collaboration and support among hands-on providers. We especially encourage nominations of providers who have personal experiences of homelessness. The Steering Committee meets monthly by teleconference and biannually in person (in Nashville, TN, in the fall, and at the NHCHC Conference in the spring). Apply by January 11, 2016.
New Proposed CMS and HUD Regulations
Council to Respond to New CMS and HUD Regulations; Individual Comments Welcome
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) and Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) are seeking comments on proposed rules to modify hospital discharge requirements and to ban smoking in public housing. The Council is drafting comments to each agency. The Council’s comments to CMS will promote better discharge planning practices for people experiencing homelessness and encourage hospital partnerships with medical respite care and supportive housing programs. Council comments to HUD will balance concerns over smoking-related evictions with our interest in promoting smoking cessation services and other interventions to achieve better health and living environments. Please consider submitting your own comments to CMS by Monday, January 4, 2016, and to HUD by Tuesday, January 19, 2016. Share your comments with us by sending your letter to Barbara DiPietro, Senior Policy Director. The Council’s comments will be posted on
Juli Hishida
Council Staff to Discuss Youth Homelessness at National Summit
Council Project Manager Juli Hishida will discuss strategies for engaging youths without homes in medical services at the National Network for Youth’s National Summit on Youth Homelessness in Washington, D.C., on March 15-16, 2016. Youths experiencing homelessness confront significant risks of disease and developmental delays that may impact their entire lives, and engaging them in health care has been a critical concern for HCH agencies and other providers. Strategies to reach such youths will be the focus of Hishida’s presentation, which will also provide a brief overview of relevant research such as the Adverse Childhood Experiences Study. Find more resources on youth homelessness on our Children, Youth, & Families page.
The Bridge: Mental Health and Housing Solutions
Member Spotlight: The Bridge, New York City
Long before the Bridge became an Organizational Member of the Council, the agency arose to fill a unique need. In 1954, a group of consumers in New York City created the program to ease their re-entry into the community after hospitalization. Six decades and thousands of patients later, the Bridge has emerged as a nationally recognized nonprofit that continues to offer consumers a pathway to treatment and recovery, but on a far larger scale. Serving 2,300 clients—and housing 800—every year, the Bridge provides comprehensive evidence-based rehabilitative services such as mental health and substance abuse treatment. In January 2015, the Bridge supplemented those services, launching a program to assist New York City’s veterans experiencing homelessness.
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