Book study continues tomorrow,
Book study continues tomorrow,
Weekly Happenings
July 24, 2024


Summer Book Study

9:30 a.m. • Goodpasture 
This summer, we will study Jesus and the Powers: Christian Political Witness in an Age of Totalitarian Terror and Dysfunctional Democracies by N.T. Wright and Michael F. Bird. 
For additional information or questions, please contact Guy Stephanie Boaz (, or Will Wellman ( 
Buy a copy of the book here. Books are available in the office. Cost $18.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 838 6809 3382
Passcode: 471311

Café Hours:
8:00 a.m. - Noon

Take a break from the heat and enjoy the air-conditioned Cafe! - Find a quiet space to work - Meet with a small group - Bring children for a cool and easy outing (high chairs available) Park in the North Parking Lot and enter by the blue outdoor umbrella.

Activities in the Café:

Mah-Jongg – Tuesday mornings in the Café
Community Outreach Note Writing - 1st and 3rd Tuesday mornings in the Café
Songwriters Song Circle – Thursday mornings in the Café

Chess - Friday Mornings; 10:00 a.m. Whether you are a beginner or someone who loves to practice your chess-playing skills, this is the place for you! Ages 12 on up are welcome. If you are interested in participating, let us know here.

Please click on the name of the activity you would like to participate in to register.
The Westminster campus will be closed this Friday to undergo necessary fire alarm testing. 

The Westminster Cafe will also be closed.

Upcoming Events

Kick-Off Sunday
All-Church Picnic

Author's Roundtable

Adult Education Kick-Off

Labor Day - Campus Closed

Habitat Build Begins

Golf Tournament

Songwriters in the Round

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