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Office of Undergraduate Studies

Summer 2022 Newsletter

Students at the Union

New Office of Transfer Student Success

The Office of Undergraduate Studies (US) is excited to announce a new unit, the Office of Transfer Student Success (TSS) at the University of Utah. The mission of this office is to improve equitable transfer student experiences and outcomes by providing leadership for and support coordination of transfer activities and functions across campus.
Transfer students represent a significant portion of the student body at the U. Approximately 25% of all new students each year are transfer students. The Office of Transfer Student Success is an important addition to the student success network and will assist US in providing an exceptional educational experience for all students at the U.

TSS and US will be the new organizational home for the Crimson Transfer Mentor program, the Crimson Transfer Honors Society, and the Transfer Workshop Series.


Students from the Ute Indian Tribe painting a mural

Ute Storytelling Camp 

Children from the Ute Indian Tribe traveled to the U for a Storytelling Camp. On June 6th-9th, 33 Ute Indian Tribe students attended workshops and made stories through Tik Tok, collage, photography, book arts, and painting. The week culminated in a Storyfest at the Marriott Library where members of the university community were invited to read, see, and hear the stories created by the Ute youth. 
Students in class

Introducing MUSE 1850: The MUSE Seminar

MUSE Seminars are small-group educational experiences intended for students in the first 60 credit hours of their undergraduate experience. Each section will explore a different and timely topic chosen by the professor. 

Faculty participating in RTTP game

Reacting to the Past

Reacting to the Past (RTTP) is a learning tool that utilizes elaborate games set in the past, to engage students in active learning scenarios. The Martha Bradley Evans Center for Teaching Excellence is hosting RTTP games to help faculty familiarize themselves with the setup and structure of these immersive activities.
Shelley Nicholson, Alison Flanders, and Cindy Greaves

Staff Excellence Awards 

Congratulations to the winners of the 2022 Staff Excellence Awards!
Shelley Nicholson: Edge Award— excellence in leadership
Alison Flanders: Future+ Award—  demonstrating creativitity and innovation in the workplace.
Cindy Greaves: Compass Award—Outstanding ability to collaborate within a team. 
Headshot of Martha Bradley Evans

CTLE is now the Martha Bradley Evans Center for Teaching Excellence

The Office of Undergraduate Studies is delighted to announce the naming of the Martha Bradley Evans Center for Teaching Excellence.

The Center will continue to serve as a hub for faculty development and success as well as expand its offerings as an innovative nexus for 21st-century instructional practices. The Center has been redesigned in recent months and will welcome a new director through an ongoing, national search. The CTE will contribute to institutional efforts on faculty success as a key driver of student success, persistence, and completion—from faculty fellows programs to active learning initiatives, a New Faculty Orientation program, Faculty Learning Communities, Future Faculty programs for graduate students, a Utah Teaching Academy, and more!
For more information on how to contribute to the Martha Bradley Evans Center for Teaching Excellence campaign, please contact


Headshot of Natasha Seegert

Natasha Seegert

The Office of Undergraduate Studies is pleased to announce the appointment of Dr. Natasha Seegert as the assistant dean for The Utah Experience. Dr. Seegert is an associate professor in the Department of Communication where she most recently served as director of Undergraduate Studies. In 2022, Dr. Seegert received the University Early Career Teaching Award. Seegert's research and teaching focus on visual rhetoric with an emphasis on environmental communication. In her courses, she cultivates dialogue, community, and connection—qualities integral to The Utah Experience. 

Through The Utah Experience initiative, students will make meaningful connections between their academic coursework and the world beyond the classroom. What excites her most about her new role is creating opportunities for all students that connect learning, community, and direct engagement in a complex world that is frequently marked by cultural disconnection. 
Headshot of Andy Eisen

Andy Eisen

Dr. Andy Eisen has worked in the field of higher education in prison for the past decade, starting as a graduate student at the University of Illinois where he earned a Ph.D. in History. His first experience teaching incarcerated learners with the Education Justice Project transformed his understanding of the power of higher education to enrich the lives of students, instructors, volunteers, and our communities as a whole. In 2015, after moving to Florida, Dr. Eisen co-founded the Community Education Project (CEP), a college-in-prison program at Stetson University, where incarcerated students take credit-bearing courses, conduct and publish research, and have recently built an expansive community garden on the compound. Under Dr. Eisen’s guidance, incarcerated scholars created an award-winning traveling exhibit documenting histories of slavery and Indian Removal in East Florida. 
CEP is currently supported by grants from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation and Laughing Gull Foundation. In total, Dr. Eisen helped raise more than a million dollars for the program. Dr. Eisen is excited to bring his passion for working with incarcerated learners to the University of Utah.
Headshot of Paul Fisk

Paul Fisk

Dr. Paul Fisk joins the Office of Undergraduate Studies as the program manager for Transfer Student Success. He completed his bachelor’s degree from the University of Central Florida in Liberal/Interdisciplinary Studies. He received both his master's degree and Ph.D. from the University of Utah’s Department of Education, Culture, and Society. He has previously held several positions at the U—in the Center for Equity and Student Belonging (CESB), as a transfer program coordinator in the Asian American Student Association (AASA), and in the Office of Orientation and Transition. Fisk is passionate about helping transfer students make a smooth and successful transition to the University of Utah.
Headshot of Melissa Stock

Melissa Stock

Melissa Stock recently joined the Undergraduate Studies team as a curriculum assistant. In this role, Melissa will support the General Education Curriculum Committee, the Special Fee Review Committee, the Curriculum Alum Policy Review Board, and the Undergraduate Council. She will also offer administrative support by scheduling courses, maintaining and updating websites, organizing data and reports, and more. Melissa recently moved to Salt Lake City from Logan, where she worked as a staff assistant at Utah State University. She is looking forward to being closer to family and being a part of the U. 
Maya rock climbing

Maya Bourland

The newest intern in Undergraduate Studies is Maya Bourland. Maya is currently an undergraduate at the U and a LEAP scholar. She has a parrticular interest in STEM subjects, but is still exploring her options when it comes to choosing a major. 


Grad School Mini Expo
June 23 / 1-4 PM, on Zoom 

Each year, summer undergraduate research program coordinators from across campus offer a Grad School Mini Expo to student participants. The goal is to help expose students to the idea of grad school, different types of grad school options, tips for applying, and what to do after grad school. This event is for any undergraduate student interested in grad school, no matter where they are in the process (from “I didn’t think grad school was for me” to “I know which programs I want to go into”).

Important Dates

July 25: Registration, open enrollment begins
August 22: Fall semester classes begin


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