July 2019 Newsletter for Incoming Parents
July 2019 Newsletter for Incoming Parents
UP Parents
UP Parent Newsletter: July 2019
The countdown to UP begins!
It’s been a busy summer at UP as we begin to welcome folks to the Pilot family and prepare for Orientation. We’re excitedly counting down the days for your student’s arrival! As you and your student prepare for the journey to campus–whether it’s a short drive down the street or a flight across the country–let us know what questions our office can help answer.
We cannot wait to connect with your family at Orientation and support you throughout the coming years.
Katie Seccombe
Associate Director, Parent Engagement
Email: parents@up.edu / Website: www.up.edu/parents   

Orientation: What to Expect and How to Prepare

Believe it or not, your student will be starting their University of Portland journey next month! The coming days, including Orientation weekend, will bring a mix of emotions for both you and your student. Luckily, Orientation is designed to help both your student and you navigate this transition period. Read up on everything you need to know about Orientation.

Get to Know the Pilot Community

After you drop your student off on The Bluff, you can continue to plug into the Pilot community through our regional chapter network! UP has 12 chapters for Pilot parents, alumni, and friends in various large cities across the country. Click here to learn how to get involved! 

Tips for the Transition

This summer, your child may be experiencing the joy and excitement of preparing to go to college. For parents, this is often a time of mixed emotions. Dr. Carol Dell’Oliver, Director at UP’s Health and Counseling Center, shares some tips for parents to take care of their own emotional well-being and practical steps to take with your student.

Preparing Your Student for On-Campus Jobs

Is your student interested in working on campus? Getting an on-campus job is a great way for your student to familiarize themselves with the UP community and meet people. Elle Fournier, Student Employment Coordinator in Human Resources, shares how you can support your student in preparing for an on-campus job and what paperwork they will need. Read her tips here!

Wellness Education and Prevention

During your student’s time at the University of Portland, they will have new experiences and make choices regarding their health, safety, and well-being. Megan Cohara, from the UP Health & Counseling Center, shares information about the training modules that all students are required to complete. Read more here.

MMR Immunization Requirements

As your student continues to complete incoming student requirements, they may have read that proof of the measles vaccination is required. The University of Portland requires all active students to show proof of the measles vaccination. Click here to learn what is required of your student. 

Residence Life Reminders

Housing assignments for first-year students were sent to student UP email addresses on July 10. Please check the Residence Life page for information about life on campus, including FAQs about what students should or should not bring with them to their residence hall room. More information about move-in will be emailed to students over the summer. Move-in day for first-year students and transfer students is on Thursday, August 22.

Letting your Student Drive

As your student gets ready for UP, encourage them to navigate their own college experience and problem solve as they go. Now is a great time for them to hone these skills! The Pilot Check-List and New Student Page are helpful resources for students to learn from as they take initiative during their college experience.
parents@up.edu | 503.943.7328 | 5000 N. Willamette Blvd., Portland, OR 97203
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