A busy Summer of Events


KCMS Healthcare Pros Podcast

"Let's Get You a White Coat."
Episode 1 with Dr. Michelle Terry
We are excited to announce the first episode of King County Medical Society's new podcast, "KCMS Healthcare Pros." 

It can be challenging to keep up with the ever-evolving medical world. With that in mind, KCMS created a monthly podcast where experts have the opportunity to share their vast knowledge. 

In the podcast subseries, "Let's Get You a White Coat," we provide information that can help those just getting started in medicine. Topics will include how to engage the community better, the environmental impact of medicine, what you need to know before opening your practice will be covered, and much more. 

The first episode features KCMS Board President, Dr. Michelle Terry. Dr. Terry shares how KCMS provides virtual mentoring, some history on KCMS, and how KCMS has affected her career as a Pediatrician. Every month we will have a new podcast of KCMS Healthcare Pros for your enjoyment. We are incredibly proud of the podcasts and excited for everyone to give them a listen.
Link to the First KCMS HealthCare Pros Episode
KCMS Excellence in Medicine Awards Ceremony 
November 10th, 2022
(Assuming Covid restrictions allow.) 

This Awards event will allow the recognition of the outstanding contributions of physicians, administrators, staff, and legislators. Please, click below to submit your nominations for any and all categories! The Award Selection Committee will review all submitted nominations. The survey will take ~5 minutes.
Nomination Survey for Excellence In Medicine Awards

UW's Youth Global Health and Innovation Conference 

The Youth Global Health and Innovation Conference will take place from June 22-24th. The goal is to inform and inspire undergraduate and high school students about different career pathways, topics, and opportunities in global health. The conference will be held over Zoom to increase accessibility and let students from all over the state engage with our amazing local experts! The conference is entirely free as well!
More Information & Registration

GBI: A Powerful Health Intervention

Join WPSR on Thursday, June 30, from 6:00 PM -  7:30 PM PT
for a special virtual event exploring the health and economic benefits of a targeted Guaranteed Basic Income (GBI) program in Washington! Everyone deserves economic security and pilot studies have shown GBI programs to be an effective mechanism in increasing financial stability and improving health for low-income communities.


Congratulations to the former President of the KCMS Board, Dr. Frederick Chen, for his new position with the AMA.
Dr. Chen joins the AMA after serving most recently as professor and vice chair for clinical services in the University of Washington School of Medicine’s Department of Family Medicine, and as chief of family medicine at Harborview Medical Center. 
KCMS is so proud of you, Freddy!
Article by the AMA - Dr. Freddy Chen

Sharing a Message from Dr. Fotinos

Charissa Fotinos, MD, MSc, the Washington State Health Care Authority Medicaid and Behavioral Health Medical Director, has shared a message about the introduction of fentanyl into the state's illicit opioid supply. Click below to read her full message.
WA State Health Care Authority Letter


The 2022 Virtual Delegate Council Meetings*
  • Wed, June 22nd, 6 - 8 p.m. (virtual)
  • Wed, Aug 31st, 6 - 8 p.m. (in person)
  • WSMA 2022 Annual Meeting, October 1st & 2nd, 2022
KCMS pursues its legislative efforts with the help of its lobbyist, James Paribello.
Contact: Shurlon Brathwaite Sbrath@kcmsociety.org w/questions or to indicate interest.

2022 WSMA Advocacy Survey

WSMA’s government affairs team is beginning to compile its legislative priorities for the 2023 session. WSMA is accelerating the work to discuss priority items with political candidates in advance of November’s midterm elections. WSMA wants to hear from you on issues you.
Please take this quick survey to help WSMA identify top legislative priorities and emerging issues that they should be aware of.
Click for WSMA Survey

Updates from the Lead (Pb) and Toxics Program 

You may have seen articles in local and national media about lead (Pb) in spices purchased in the US and hand-carried from other countries by travelers. You may also hear that some aluminum cookware, purchased locally in King County and brought from other countries, contains dangerous levels of lead that can transfer to food during cooking.

A new paper, authored by our King County colleagues Dr. Katie Fellows and Dr. Steve Whittaker, describing the presence of lead in imported aluminum cookware was published on May 2nd, 2022, and is available HERE

This information is especially relevant in King County, where we have very low blood lead testing rates among children. We welcome many new immigrants and refugees to our communities, and we have increased access to an expanding global marketplace.

Blood lead testing for children (and pregnant people) is more important than ever. Children of color, immigrants, and refugee children are at greater risk for exposure because they are more likely to live in areas with higher environmental contamination levels and are more likely to live in older, poorly maintained housing. 

The most common source of lead exposure for children is lead-based paint and dust. However, other sources of lead exposure that are not as well described but are of concern include:
  • Imported aluminum cookpots and pressure cookers
  • Traditional cosmetics (kohl, Surmasurma, henna, kajal, al-kahal, tiro, tozali, or kwalli)
  • Traditional medications, such as Ayurvedic medicines
  • Imported chili and tamarind candies
  • Lead-containing glazes on ceramics used to cook and serve food
  • Spices, primarily brought to the US by travelers
Contact steve.whittaker@kingcounty.gov for questions about this research. Read more by clicking the button below.
Letter from PHSKC re: Lead Poisoning

Are you a physician on the move?

Let us know what you are up to! We'd love to share your news.
Email Shurlon Brathwaite at sbrath@kcmsociety.org
Click here to share your updates today
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