Fall 2023 News
Resource Navigators First Gathering
Faculty, staff, and resource navigators gathering this fall.
A message from our Director Sarah
This Fall brings a return of many Community Resource Navigators who are working with Sheray (pictured in the center above) to provide clients referred from UW Health primary care clinics and Meadowood Health Partnerships with support to find essential resources. This Wisconsin Idea experience is a win-win for students and clients alike.  Reflection from a student: "Out of every class at UW-Madison, I have experienced the most personal growth in this one."  We are honored to offer such an impactful experience.
In this newsletter, we also share other happenings at CPP including updates on Q-HER Lab research and LIFT Wisconsin, an introduction to a new staff member, and a peek at what we are doing to maintain community at the Center.
Don't hesitate to refer friends and family to our advocacy services.
I wish you good health!
My best,  Sarah

 LGBTQ+ Health Justice Coordinator Position is Posted!

Join our Match Challenge!

We are thrilled to announce that we are hiring an LGBTQ+ Health Justice Coordinator. This new position will lead our LGBTQ+ service-learning education programming where students help clients file insurance appeals, coordinate care, learn about their rights, and attend to legal, social, and financial issues impacting their health.

More information about the position and our interdisciplinary program is included in the posting here.   

We are still fundraising for this position and need YOUR help! 
Every contribution is DOUBLED through the end of the year from a generous match challenge. Please give today.
Donate for LGBTQ+ Health Justice! TODAY!

Free Health Advocacy Services for

ALL Wisconsinites

If you or someone you love could benefit from health advocacy of any kind - REFER THEM to us! If we are not the best resource, we will make sure to connect them to available services.
Apply for Free Advocacy Services Here
What makes community?
Paws for Patient Partnerships
We have a lot of pet lovers in our community! Our student administrative assistant Kaila started a board to celebrate our furry friends. We welcome your pet picture to add to our collection.

What we are reading and listening to:

Support our Mission with Your GIFT Today!
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Q-HER Lab Corner

Happenings at the Qualitative and Health Experiences Lab

So much great work is happening with our action research colleagues at the Q-HER Lab, including:
Building Trust
Rachel receiving two thumbs up at the Czech conference.
Your donation makes a difference! Please give today
The mobile App in action

LIFT Wisconsin Corner

You may have seen the public service announcement billboards around Dane and Racine counties. Other happenings at LIFT WI include the following. 

Child support tool launched! 

Too many parents are stuck owing more than they can afford in child support.  LegalTuneUp.org can now be used to adjust child support payments.
What's this got to do with health? When child support amounts are unaffordable, studies show that children don't receive support. "Right-sizing" support ensures that children have sufficient financial resources for safe housing and sufficient nutrition.
Click Here for the Free 'Legal Tune Up' Tool!
Welcome Curran! CPP's New Education & Outreach Coordinator
Curran Cauldwood received her education in Psychology and has a background in Substance Abuse Counseling. She also has a unique set of skills she gathered in her time creating online content and brings that creativity and focus to her work. She has a passion for advocacy and non-profit fundraising with a special focus on LGBTQ+ rights. When Curran is not at work, she can be found with a book, on a trail, or playing with her two cats, Juniper and Archie.
Curran Cauldwood, Outreach & Student Services Coor.
Curran Cauldwood
432 N. Lake Street Room 104 | Madison, WI 53706 US
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