Charitable Healthcare and COVID-19:
Bi-Weekly Discussion Group
Wednesday, August 19, 2020 meeting canceled
The Charitable Healthcare Network is hosting a bi-weekly virtual discussion group for Ohio's charitable healthcare organizations. Here we will check-in with one another as well as share resources and strategies on our approach to handling the COVID-19 pandemic. Meetings will be held Wednesdays from 11am-12pm. Download the minutes/ recording from this week's meeting below or register to join live!
Our next meeting will be on August 26 at 11 am
Dr. Mansoor Ahmed, Medical Director of the Cleveland Sleep Research Center and Cleveland Ibn Sina Clinic will be presenting on the connection between sleep and mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic. Please see below for more information about Dr. Ahmed's presentation.
The COVID-19 pandemic has unleashed an unprecedented challenges for nations around the world. These challenges are not confined only to the physical sickness of COVID illness. Social distancing, prolonged lockdowns, economic uncertainties, parents worrying about school: all of these have created a perfect storm for mental health stability and sleep. Good sleep is particularly important to cope adaptively with both physical and mental stress.
September 9, 2020 at 11 am
On September 9th, staff from the Alzheimer's Association of Central Ohio will present on risk factors and early signs of Alzheimer's, as well as the medical and social factors that put patients at risk for developing dementia. The Alzheimer's Association offers free trainings, educational seminars, and support groups for patients with Alzheimer's as well as their caregivers and healthcare providers. This presentation will also include an overview of the free support and educational opportunities available across the state.