attend college welcomes and summer reading groups
attend college welcomes and summer reading groups
Class of 2023 Hawk Herald: Special Welcome Weekend Edition
Welcome Weekend Highlights - Thursday, August 22
There are lots of things going on today that first-year students are expected to attend. See below for details and view the full Welcome Weekend and First 50 Days schedule, get the Miami University Events app or view the web version of the schedule.
Academic College Welcomes
  • Friday, August 24
  • 10:00 am - 11:00 am
  • various locations (see below)
  • students are expected to attend
Attend your Academic College Welcome, and then proceed to your Summer Reading Program discussion. 
College of Creative Arts Gates-Abegglen Theatre, Center for Performing Arts
Attention Incoming CCA majors! Come meet your Dean, department chairs, Career Center liaison, academic advisors, and most importantly, your fellow CCA majors!

College of Education, Health, and Society - two locations, see below
Drop by to meet your academic advisor in a casual atmosphere. This event is designed for first-year students to meet advisors, faculty, and current students. Light refreshments will be served. Locations:
  • McGuffey Hall 322: all education programs, family science & social work
  • Phillips Hall Lobby: all kinesiology and health majors

College of Engineering and Computing - Benton Hall, Room 102
Learn success strategies specific to engineering & computing students, including navigating deadlines and finding help within CEC. Being prepared is your ticket to a great start to your college experience!

Nursing - Hughes Hall, Room 141
Join nursing program staff and advisors for a welcome event, and meet other new nursing students. Students will learn more about nursing program resources and receive welcome giveaways.

College of Arts and Science - Millett Hall
Join the Dean of the College of Arts and Science (CAS), Dr. Chris Makaroff, for a warm welcome to your new academic home. You'll meet meet the Chief Divisional Academic Advisor, CAS liaison from the Center for Career Exploration & Success, and outstanding Miami CAS alumni. This is the academic meeting not to miss! Leave with your RA from your residence hall. Note that there will be a bag check upon entering Millett Hall; we encourage you not to bring a bag if you don't need to.

Farmer School of Business @ 11:15 am - 12:15 pm
The Farmer School of Business staff and faculty are excited to welcome you to explore resources and meet one another during our academic welcome. Join us for some fun, a service event, and information on the opportunities and experiences offered in the Farmer School of Business. Lunch will be served on the front lawn of the Farmer School of Business after the welcome!
Summer Reading Program Discussion
  • Friday, August 23
  • 11:15 am - 12:15 pm
  • various locations (see your personalized email and postcard)
  • all first-year students are expected to attend

Kick-off your morning by attending your summer reading group! A faculty/staff facilitator will lead a conversation about the summer reading book. It is encouraged that you spend some time with the book before your summer reading discussion group. However, discussing the book as a group will help you gain insights into One Size Fits None, no matter how much of the book you've read.
Farmer School of Business students should attend their summer reading group at 10:00 am, followed by your Academic College Welcome at 11:15am.

You are expected to attend your Summer Reading Program discussion. Groups are typically between 15-20 students, so your participation will be expected. If you are in a first-year experience class (e.g. UNV 101), you will likely meet with those students in your class.

It Is My Place
  • Friday, August 23
  • 3:00 - 5:00 pm
  • Millett Hall
  • all first-year students are expected to attend
  • bring your Miami ID to swipe in
All new students will attend this engaging and important performance from a Boston theatre cast - the first Performing Arts Series event of the year. It Is My Place addresses crucial issues for all students such as sexual assault, harassment, consent, and healthy relationships. Bring your Miami ID to swipe in.
Welcome Home
  • Friday, August 23
  • 7:00 - 10:00 pm - various actviities and locations
  • 10:30 pm  - Fireworks show behind Benton Hall
  • all first-year students should plan to attend
Check out this awesome Late Night Miami event. Make sure to grab your Welcome Home passport as you leave the It Is My Place event. Visit each of the events below to make the most of your first Friday on campus.

Armstrong Student Center Activities (7:00 - 10:00 pm)
Custom Pop-Sockets - Armstrong Student Center: East Terrace 
Gaming, Dancing and More! - Armstrong Student Center; East Wing 
MAP Movie Promotion - Armstrong Student Center; Wilks Lobby 
Novelties - Armstrong Student Center; East Atrium & Rotunda 
Indoor Rollerskating - Armstrong Student Center; Fritz Pavilion 

Outdoor Activities (7:00 - 10:00 pm)
Succulent Planting With The Crawfords - Lewis Place 
Dodgeball Tournament - Cook Field 
Ninja Warrior Course - Slant Walk 
Paintless Paintball - Central Quad

Fireworks - Behind Benton (10:30 pm)

There's an App for That!
Download the Miami University Events app to get the latest Welcome Weekend and First 50 Days information. After you've downloaded the app, select the Orientation and Transition 2019 guide. If you downloaded the app for orientation, you've already got it! We've refreshed the app contents for Welcome Weekend & First 50 Days. The schedule of events can also be found on the Welcome Weekend and First 50 Days website.

Inside the Orientation and Transition 2019 guide, you can:
  • view the Welcome Weekend and First 50 Days schedule
  • customize your personal Welcome Weekend and First 50 Days scheule with the "My Schedule" function
  • find your way around campus with campus maps
  • see dining hall hours
Download the App
As you attend Welcome Weekend and First 50 Days events, don't forget to use #MiamiOH2023 and #MiamiOHFirst50 to share all of the fun!
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