During the February 8, 2024 Student Government Association Voted unanimously to update there Constitution and Election Laws. The Constitution changes are reflected to update the number of seats and structure of the SGA Senate. The new proposed composition of the senate is as follows:
The Senate shall be comprised of twenty-five (25) seats. Candidates shall be elected, or selected, as described below:
A. Four (4) seats will be reserved for First Year Senate Members to be appointed by the President during the Fall semester
B. Each special interest group listed below shall be represented by one (1) Senator:
1. Lambuth, and
2. Cecil C. Humphreys School of Law
1. Appointment requirements and other details will be outlined by the Student Government Association
C. The remaining nineteen (19) seats shall be deemed at-large
1. Each college or school shall be represented by a senators appointment by the Vice President and Speaker of the Senate from the nineteen (19) Senators At-Large
D. Should Special Interest Groups not, by choice or inability, select a Senator, the seat shall become At-Large to be appointed by the president.
The Election Laws were updated to reference the changes in the Constitution and to provide clarity.
To review the full SGA Constitution approved by the senate click here.
To review the full Election Laws approved by the senate click here.
Use the button below to vote.