The Sociological Initiatives Foundation (SIF) is dedicated to the belief that research and action are intrinsically inseparable. We invite concept proposals for community-led projects that link an explicit research design to a concrete social action strategy. Projects should have specifically stated social change goals.
In the past SIF has funded projects in the areas of civil rights, community organizing, crime and law, education, health, housing, immigration, labor organizing, and language/literacy.
The Foundation will continue to give priority to projects that explicitly promote racial justice and fairer and more equitable laws, policies, and practices. We expect applicants from academic institutions to apply with a community partner.
Preference is given to applicants that are:
• Community-led academic partnerships
• Advocacy or community groups that conduct research that can withstand challenge in academic and policy arenas
• Grassroots organizations that organize or link to a constituency through their research
A limited number of concept applicants will be invited to submit full proposals.
Projects typically take two years, so applicants should think in terms of such a timeline.