Dear Members, Partners and Colleagues,
The recent executive order on immigration and refugee policy issued by President Trump has sparked controversy throughout our country and the world.  As one of the leading organizations in the Latino community, we feel compelled to respond to this policy and the underlying philosophy expressed by the executive order.

Our Latino community is primarily comprised of recent immigrants and the sons, daughters and grandchildren of immigrants.  We are taxpayers, voters and participants in the great American tradition of democratic governance.  As a community, we are acutely aware of the value that immigrants bring to our great country, as well as the racism and prejudice that may await newcomers as they are integrated into our society.  The Trump Administration’s executive order is antithetical to our shared values of tolerance and inclusiveness, and it punishes individuals and families who look to the United States as a beacon of liberty and opportunity.  This policy encourages divisiveness and hate among those who are struggling with economic concerns or fear of “the other” in our society.  We reject the exploitation of these concerns for political purposes.

Please stand with the Hispanic Chamber and our community in rejecting bigotry, intolerance and divisiveness.  We encourage all of you to uphold our core values, and to treat everyone with dignity and respect.  We will continue our central mission to improve the economic advancement of Latinos in Oregon and SW Washington, and through this mission, we will build a prosperous, tolerant and inclusive community for everyone.  
Thank you for your support.

Gustavo J. Cruz, Jr.
Board Chair
Hispanic Metropolitan Chamber of Commerce   
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