Al-Anon’s selection of eBooks and Audiobooks is expanding
Al-Anon’s selection of eBooks and Audiobooks is expanding
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Now Available as eBooks and Audiobooks 

Al-Anon is growing its collection of Conferenced Approved Literature (CAL) available in eBook format by including another daily reader. The Top Four Best Sellers of 2019 are now available digital formats, such as eBooks and Audiobooks.

Hope for Today

The latest CAL made available in eBook format! Our newest release includes the index complete with links to each reading.
A daily reader written from the perspective of members who grew up in alcoholic homes. This book is for anyone who wants to grow in acceptance, compassion, and understanding.
Hope For Today button

How Al-Anon Works

Available in eBook and Audiobook formats!
Al‑Anon's basic, most comprehensive book discusses all aspects of our program of recovery. It is an excellent resource for personal and meeting study, as well as for newcomers.
How Al-Anon Works button

Courage to Change

Available in eBook and Audiobook formats!
A daily reader from a fresh, diverse perspective.
Its insightful reflections reveal surprisingly simple things that can transform lives. One of our most consistently popular books.
Courage to Change button

One Day at a Time in Al-Anon

Available in Audiobook format!
An Al-Anon classic!
This inspirational daily reader relates Al-Anon philosophy to everyday situations, helping to make each day better than the one before.
One Day at a Time button

Alateen – Hope for Children of Alcoholics

Available in eBook format! 

This basic introductory book for teens affected by someone else's drinking includes an easy-to-understand explanation of alcoholism and the Alateen program.
Alateen button

Having Had a Spiritual Awakening… 

Available exclusively in eBook format! No print version available. 

This beautiful book features member sharings, photographs, and artwork from around the globe, reflecting the diversity of Al-Anon members' spiritual experiences. 
Spiritual Awakening button
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