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Bureau of Recreation and Conservation

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Recreation for all.

Featured Project: Growing Food Justice in West Philadelphia

Five Loaves Two Fish Community Garden in West Philadelphia
Growing over the past decade, the Five Loaves Two Fish Community Garden is a vital community asset and center of health, wellness, and food justice for its West Philadelphia neighborhood.
Dr. Beverly Giles Carter and Victor Young founded Five Loaves Two Fish to improve their community’s nutrition and health, address diabetes and obesity, and provide a safe space for the community to come together. Their organization, Community Health and Gardens Inc., runs events and youth programming in partnership with a local school.
“Food justice is important in our community, and it is important that we are visible,” said Dr. Giles Carter. “We must come together to figure these things out.”
Community gardens play an essential role in addressing urban community needs such as climate resiliency, access to fresh produce, enhanced health and wellbeing, and a connection to nature. These spaces are critical to sustain vibrant, healthy, and safe urban neighborhoods.
Five Loaves Two Fish has permanent protection from development thanks in part to the work of the Neighborhood Gardens Trust (NGT), an organization dedicated to preserving and supporting community gardens and other shared spaces across Philadelphia.
Between 2018 and 2020, NGT acquired and preserved five of the garden’s six land parcels in partnership with the City of Philadelphia.
But the path to preservation for the last parcel was unclear. The property had long been abandoned by a private owner and had decades of tax liens.
“This is the most beautiful, peaceful place. If we lose this space, we lose the harmony it has brought to the neighborhood,” said Young.
Then, in 2022, NGT received a DCNR acquisition grant with flexibility to be applied to Five Loaves Two Fish. In 2023, the garden’s remaining parcel was preserved.
Along with permanent development protection, the garden has become a pollinator habitat site in partnership with John Heinz National Wildlife Refuge and Audubon Mid-Atlantic.

Heritage Area Short Video Playlist Available

DCNR and Heritage PA recently published a series of short videos highlighting Pennsylvania’s 12 Heritage Areas.
The videos describe each Heritage Area and highlight sights and places to visit in each region.
Other videos in the series celebrate the role Heritage Areas play in honoring Pennsylvania’s industrial legacy, cultural traditions, and outdoor recreation resources.
DCNR supports the Heritage Areas with dedicated funding from the Heritage and Other Parks line item in the state budget, as well as with funding from the Environmental Stewardship Fund.
Created in 1989, the Pennsylvania Heritage Area Program celebrates its 35th anniversary this year.
Map of Pennsylvania's 12 designated Heritage Areas

Alex Tatanish Retires

Alex Tatanish portrait photo
After 37 years of state service, Alex Tatanish will retire from DCNR’s Bureau of Recreation and Conservation this month.
Alex has served as the bureau’s Land and Water Conservation Fund Program Specialist for the past 10 years. He has worked in the bureau since 1988.
We thank Alex for his dedicated service helping municipalities and partners implement recreation and conservation projects. We also wish him much success fishing the Yellow Breeches!

DCNR Receives Excellence in Recreation and Parks Award

PRPS presents an Excellence in Recreation and Parks award to DCNR
DCNR received an Excellence in Recreation and Parks Award from the Pennsylvania Recreation and Park Society (PRPS). The award was presented at the annual PRPS conference.
The award recognizes the agency’s “efforts to promote Recreation and Parks as an essential community service.”
DCNR received the award for its Priority Communities Analysis, a mapping tool to help the agency better account for diversity and equity in grantmaking.
DCNR’s Technology Sub-Committee conducted the analysis as part of Pennsylvania’s Statewide Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan. DCNR staff Josh VanBrakle and Chris Kemmerer co-lead the sub-committee.
The analysis builds on DCNR’s 10-Minute Walk partnership with the Trust for Public Land and WeConservePA. It blends data on outdoor recreation access, socioeconomics, health, and other key factors to better identify communities of need.
The Priority Communities Analysis is another tool in the toolbox to help park and recreation planners achieve the goal of park equity across Pennsylvania.

Grant Application Tip

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The DCNR Community Conservation Partnerships Program is accepting applications through 4:00 PM on Wednesday, April 3. In each e-news leading up to the deadline, we’ll share a tip to increase your chances of a successful application.
This issue’s tip: Make sure you submit on time!
Your submission is only considered complete after you click “Submit” in the Grants Customer Service Portal and see the “Application Submission Confirmation” page (see screenshot below). You’ll also receive an email at the email address on file for your portal account confirming that your application has been received.
Grant Customer Service Portal Application Submission Confirmation page screenshot

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