We offer a variety of classes and programs for everyone! All programs are designed with YOU in mind!
  What's Happening with the Parks and Recreation Department
Sweetheart Art for Valentine's Day! 
Kids, ages 8-12, have a blast while creating Valentine's cards and gifts for all the special people in their lives! Each participant should bring a package of pink or red card stock paper, your favorite stickers, and a bag of small hard candy to fill each gift. Click on learn more to register!
Senior Activities at MPCC!
Seniors (ages 65+) and Active Adults (ages 55+) love the Community Center as they make friends in group exercise classes, attend activities including Scrabble Club and Plarning, and swim in our indoor pool! Click on learn more for a list of programs!
January Membership Special
Pay just $1.00 for your first month when you purchase or renew your Basic or All Access Passort Membership! Click on learn more for all the details!
MPYBL (Manassas Park Youth Basketball League) is off to a Great Start!
It's amazing how quickly skills improve for participants in MPYBL! Check out these photos of participants displaying their skills! Just click on learn more below for all the MPYBL photos!
Packing Healthy Meals for Your Preschooler - by Arely Angel 
"You want lunch to be fun, nutritious, and familiar, so it is best to stick with the foods you know they like," says Arely Angel, Lead Preschool Teacher. Please click learn more to read her blog!
Interested in Running for City Council?
Click on learn more below if you are interested in running for a City Council seat. Applications must be submitted by 7:00 pm on June 12, 2018.

(Ages 3-4) - Preschoolers pass, shoot, and score as they learn the basics of basketball! This class also benefits kids participating in our Biddy Ball Program. 
Mondays, 2/5-3/12

(Ages K-12) - Paint a one-of-a-kind Valentine's Day or heart-themed piece of pottery with Clay Cafe.
Saturday, 2/3

(Ages 12-17) - Have fun learning to swim with a group of your peers. Manassas Park students can take the after school activities bus to the Community Center.
Tuesdays/Thursdays, 2/5-2/28
(Ages 14+) -Sensei Djinn teaches the martial art form of Atarashii Naginata for martial arts lovers of all levels. Loaner equipment is available.
4:00pm-6:00pm, Sundays
6:00pm-8:00pm, Fridays

(Ages 55+) - Seniors and active adults bring existing projects or may begin a new knitting or crocheting project with help provided as needed. And, there is lots of conversation to keep you motivated too!
Mondays, Ongoing 
Included in the Active Adult and Senior Passport memberships!

Cupid's Party
February 10
Community Center

Job Fair
March 3
Community Center
FREE to attend

99 Adams Street
Manassas Park, VA 20111

Business Hours
M - F  9:00am - 5:00pm

Community Center Hours
M - F  8:00am - 9:00pm
Saturday 7:00am - 7:00pm
Sunday 10:00am - 6:00pm

Holiday Closures
1/1/18 - New Year's Day
2/19/18 - President's Day
4/1/18- Easter
5/28/18 - Memorial Day
7/4/18 - 4th of July
7/4/18 - Signal Bay Closes - 5pm
9/3/18 - Labor Day
11/22/18- Thanksgiving Day

12/25/18 - Christmas Day

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