Weekly Member Memo
April 5, 2022

- Super Short Winery Survey -
What Can Wine Road Do For You? 

Let us know here

Please use the took kit provided to SHARE about this event on social.
We will leave ticket sales up until Thursday night - and then on Friday we will drop off supplies as needed to the wineries with reservations.  Unfortunately only 40 tickets have sold.
Event Questions Debbie@WineRoad.com

ADA Compliant Websites

We will once again offer a seminar on what is required for your website to be ADA Compliant and we will discuss the ease of use with the plug-in UserWaySave the date - May 11th, from 9:00-10:00am at Hilton Garden Inn - details and registration to follow. 
Recent Press Demo article addressing this topic.

Award Winning Wines

medals / points /puffs

We have added a new page to our website, which we will begin promoting this month.
Log onto the members section, look for the Wine Awards link and fill in the details.  If you got it, flaunt it!

Required Training

We have added 50 more slots to the ONLINE training for this new required ABC training program.
Each individual will need to pay their own $3 registration via the ABC, then use our promo code WR-0122 to cover the cost of their training and test. 
Link to class details here  Class is $15 per person, the promo code covers all of that. While in you shopping cart, simply insert the code into the coupon code box and click "Apply Coupon.”
Link to register with the ABC
Responsible Beverage Service (RBS) training under the requirements of AB 1221 will become mandatory on July 1, 2022. Any California Department of Alcohol Beverage Control (ABC) licensee who has an “ABC On-Premises License,” including winery tasting rooms, will need to have all alcohol servers and managers trained and certified in RBS no later than Aug. 31. New staff will have 60 days from the date of initial employment to receive certification. 

Ship Compliant Seminar

The Sovos ShipCompliant Wine Summit is the premier conference for winery compliance, hospitality and owner/operator professionals. The Wine Summit gathers winery professionals for one-and-a-half days of hands-on user training, learning, networking, one-on-one Sovos ShipCompliant staff interaction, and more!  April 13-14 in Napa. DETAILS and REGISTRATION
This morning an email was sent to our Barrel Tasting guests with special offers from 14 participating Barrel Tasting wineries.  Next week I will report on the open and click rate for the offers.  This was the first time we did this type of email following an event.
Buy Tickets

Thank you to our partners for their support.

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