Spend a day with friends old and new online this Saturday
Spend a day with friends old and new online this Saturday
Online All-Day Sitting This Saturday 
All Day Sittings are one of the most popular ways to participate in the work of Springwater Center. We come together online for a day of sharing silence, sitting, listening, and meditative dialogue.
You're invited to register to attend the Online All-Day Sitting this Saturday, October 28, from 8:30 - 4:00 pm (ET) via Zoom. There will be timed sittings and a talk by Bob Dattola in the morning. The afternoon will have a timed sitting and group dialogue, where participants can engage with Bob and others attending. Following the end of the dialogue at 3:30, there will be some social time for general conversation. 
You are also welcome to request a guest stay at the Center this weekend, and attend the All-Day Sitting online on your own personal device. Please use this link to request a stay as a guest.
Use the button below to register for the All-Day. 
More information about Bob Dattola, including recorded talks and an article, may be found on his teacher page of Springwater Center's website  
Oct. 28 All-Day Sitting Registration
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