Dear Parents,
As we quickly approach the start of the school year, I would like to begin by simply saying thank you. Thank you to each and every one of you for your continued patience as we work through all of the planning and Ministry of Education approvals required for a safe return to school and work for staff and students. It certainly has not been an easy or straightforward process and we know that you are anxious to learn more about what to expect in the weeks ahead. We sincerely appreciate your continued understanding and trust as we move forward. We are doing everything we can to plan effectively for a safe return and we are focussed on doing everything possible to keep staff, students and families safe and healthy.
As you may know, Trustees made a number of important decisions including the approval of more than $30 million in funding to hire an additional 366 teachers to lower elementary class sizes to help improve student and staff safety in schools. Staff have now finalized our secondary and elementary school learning models and we are moving forward with the important planning and preparations necessary to reopen schools.
I will continue to keep Parents informed and updated in the days ahead. As we prepare schools to receive staff and students, Program and Operational Guidelines are currently being finalized and will be shared with Principals/Vice Principals and school staff next week.
I ask for your continued patience as this important work continues. We know that you have many questions and concerns and with this week’s developments, we can now finalize a number of plans and associated materials and work to share with you as soon as possible.
We are in this together and we all share a common goal of ensuring the health and safety of staff, students and families. I along with TDSB staff would like the return to school to be as smooth as possible for everyone and we need to continue working together to make this happen.
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Note - Please also know I will continue to do my best to answer questions... and have sincerely appreciated the continued advocacy of the community.
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Delayed Start: Tuesday, September 15
Given the time required to prepare for the return to school, the TDSB has to move the first day of school (for elementary, secondary and virtual school) to Tuesday, September 15. The entry of all grades will then be staggered over three days. This extra time will help us open schools in a safe and orderly manner. More information and specific details will be shared prior to the first day of school.
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Mask/Face Covering Guidelines
To improve health and safety in schools, all students and staff will be required to wear masks/face coverings in TDSB buildings and on school buses. This decision is in line with the overall City of Toronto requirement that anyone over the age of two wear a mask/face covering in indoor public spaces — with exemptions for medical reasons. While schools will have masks available for students if required, the expectation is that students will provide and wear their own masks/face coverings. More details on mask/face coverings will be coming shortly.
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Learning Models Elementary (Kindergarten to Grade 8)
Students (including those in Special Education and French Immersion & Extended French programs) will attend school 5 days per week, with one cohort/group for the full day, including recess and lunch. Enhanced health and safety protocols will be in place, including smaller class sizes to help maximize physical distancing. Elementary schools located in Toronto communities where Toronto Public Health data shows higher risk of contracting COVID-19 will have lower class sizes than all other elementary schools.
We are excited and preparing to welcome elementary students back to school to continue their learning on September 15, 2020. Health and safety is our top priority for both students and staff.
Toronto Public Health maintains the best way to prevent the transmission of COVID-19 is through physical distancing. Based on TPH’s recommendation around physical distancing, TDSB has developed a strategy to ensure that class sizes across the system are reduced as much as possible while also focusing resources in communities where public health data shows higher risk of contracting COVID-19.
Plans for the regular school day return include that students in Kindergarten to Grade 8 will:
- Attend school five full days per week
- Receive 300 minutes of instruction per day within a regular school day
- Be in a class with the students cohorted as a group (including recess and lunch) with their classmates and homeroom teacher (including one DECE in kindergarten)
- Receive the full breadth of programming from their homeroom teacher and specialized teachers (e.g. Core French teachers)
- Likely experience changes in the timing of recesses, lunches, and bathroom breaks as they are staggered to limit or avoid interaction with other class groups
- Practice health and safety measures, including physical distancing, hand and respiratory hygiene and screening for symptoms. Additionally, all students will be required to wear masks, with exemptions for medical reasons. Regular outdoor breaks will help support students who may need time away from their mask.
Elementary Remote Learning Option
For those students who opt to not return to school and continue their learning at home, plans are in development to create a central virtual school. The school will be fully online and staffed with TDSB teachers, principals, vice-principals, guidance counsellors and superintendents, etc. Students will be taking part in live online learning throughout the day and see class size caps of 29 in JK/SK, 20 in Grades 1 to 3 and 35 in Grades 4 to 8.
We also need to be prepared as a system to pivot if public health guidance requires a change in operation from in-class instruction to remote learning. Educators will maintain an online platform (Google or Brightspace) for all students in the class and ensure that students are able to log in and know how to navigate the space.
The guidelines below outline Remote Learning in the TDSB for elementary students. Structure of Day
- Students will be assigned to a Remote Homeroom with a Remote Homeroom Teacher
- Daily attendance will be taken
- 300 minutes of learning opportunities (synchronous and asynchronous)
- Large Group Instruction 40-50% of the day (dependent on grade level)
- Guided instruction (small group), Synchronous (live) Check & Connect (small group or individual)
- Independent work available in Google Classroom/Brightspace
- “Remote cohort homeroom” teacher, DECE for Kindergarten where applicable, and prep subject teachers will deliver the grade appropriate Ontario curriculum
Expectations by Grade
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Secondary (Grades 9 to 12)
Students (including those in Special Education and French Immersion & Extended French programs) will have in-class learning on alternate days and synchronous (live, online learning) as well as asynchronous (independent work) learning daily with enhanced health measures in place including smaller class sizes to help maximize physical distancing.
Secondary students will return to school in September in a quadmester format. By breaking the school year down into four blocks -- quadmesters -- students will concentrate on two subjects at a time. This helps reduce potential contact between students and supports health and safety protocols.
At the beginning of each quad students choose between:
- Adapted In-School Day Model (Smaller Class Size Cohorts)
- 100% Remote Learning
Students/parents must indicate their choice two weeks prior to the start of a quad. Switching during quads is not permitted.
TDSB e-Learning Day School Program will continue to be made available in Grades 11 and 12 (contact your school guidance counselor for more details.
Quadmester Calendar
- Quad 1: Sept 15 - Nov. 9 + Exams Nov. 10 and Nov. 11
- Quad 2: Nov. 12 - Jan. 28 + Exams Jan. 29 and Feb. 1
- Quad 3: Feb. 3 - April 19 + Exams April 20-21 *April 8, 2021: OSSLT Day
- Quad 4: April 22 - June 23 + Exams June 24, 25, 28
- PA Days: September 1-3, November 20, February 2, February 12, June 29
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Adapted In-School Day Model
Secondary students in the in-school model will be in school with their teacher every other day and will have live video conferencing (synchronous learning) with their teacher daily. Class sizes will be approximately 15 students.
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All courses will use a Brightspace or Google Classroom learning platform. Students will be able to participate in whole class, small group and independent learning. The daily virtual 12:30-2:00 learning period may be used for:
- Support for Students with Special Needs, IEPs, ELLs, etc.
- Student Success Initiatives (RCR, caring adult meetings)
- Gap Closing -- Small Group Learning
- School-Wide or Small Group Wellness Initiatives
- Support for IB Program Requirements (Extended Essay, ToK, Internal Assessments)
- Meetings for Leadership Groups (e.g. Student Council, Athletic Council, etc.)
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Remote Learning Model For those students who opt to not return to school and continue their learning at home, plans are in development to create a central virtual school. The school will be fully online and staffed with TDSB teachers, principals, vice-principals, guidance counsellors and superintendents, etc.
We also need to be prepared as a system to pivot if public health guidance requires a change in operation from in-class instruction to remote learning. Educators will maintain an online platform (Google or Brightspace) for all students in the class and ensure that students are able to log in and know how to navigate the space.
The guidelines below outline Remote Learning in the TDSB for secondary students.
Students will have a daily model:
- Course 1: 9 - 11:30 a.m.
- Course 2: 12:30 - 3 p.m.
A minimum of 90 minutes/course/day must be synchronous through BrightSpace or Google Classroom. Time for asynchronous independent work and may include small group learning. Daily attendance will be taken.
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Virtual School (Kindergarten to Grade 12)
Parents who want their child to learn from home can choose the remote learning option
Pre-Registration Process
As you know, we began a pre-registration process earlier this month to learn which students planned to attend school in September and which students planned to take part in fully remote (home) learning. Since that time, there have been significant changes to the learning models and more information is available to help inform parents in making this decision. Therefore, on Wednesday of next week, the TDSB will ask parents/guardians via email to make a final decision and register their children to attend school or choose remote learning through the Virtual School.
Wednesday, August 26: Email sent to all parents/guardians and registration opens Saturday, August 29: Registration closes
Registration for In-School or Virtual LearningAfter recent changes from the Ministry of Education, the TDSB has adjusted and finalized the models for elementary, secondary and virtual learning for September 2020. As a result of these changes, we wanted to give parents/guardians the opportunity to review the new models and make a final decision about registration for their children.
Starting on Wednesday, August 26, the TDSB will be contacting parents/guardians and asking them to register their children for either in-person (in-school) or remote (Virtual School) learning for September 2020. It is very important that all parents/guardians complete the registration so that schools can create accurate class lists and staff appropriately.
About the Registration Process:
- On August 26, parents/guardians with an email address on file will receive a link to register their children online. Only parents/guardians who do not have an email address on file or who do not complete the online registration before the deadline (Saturday, August 29) will receive an automated registration phone call.
- It is very important that all parents/guardians complete this registration, including those who have already filled out the pre-registration survey sent earlier this month.
- The link to register online cannot be shared as it is connected to an individual student through a unique student identification number.
- Parents/guardians with more than one child will receive one email per child and will be required to complete a separate registration for each child.
- Phone calls will come from School Messenger and will display a “1-833” number. This is the same number used for Attendance calls.
- As only the elementary, secondary and virtual learning models have changed, the TDSB will not be asking EdVance and Adult learners to confirm their registration. The results from the pre-registration survey will be used, and EdVance and Adult learners can contact their schools directly starting August 31 to make any changes to their registration. Principals will also begin contacting EdVance and Adult learners who did not complete the pre-registration survey.
- Starting the week of August 31, schools will begin following-up with parents/guardians who did not complete the registration.
- There will be specific times during the year when students will be permitted to switch between in-school and remote (virtual school) learning. If a switch is required outside of these times, exceptions may be made and will be reviewed by Principals on a case-by-case basis. It is important to note that, for health and safety reasons, it will not be possible to immediately transition between remote (virtual school) and in-person learning. More information about switching between in-school and remote learning will be posted soon.
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Supporting students who are Deaf and Hard of Hearing (DHH) and Blind/Low Vision
Students who are Deaf/Hard of Hearing or Blind/Low Vision will continue to be supported by specialist teachers through a Tiered approach based on student need. Itinerant teachers from both departments support students across the TDSB. The board also runs Intensive Support Programs (ISP) for students who are Deaf/Hard of Hearing in locations throughout the TDSB. Itinerant support: Staff will be provided with a kit that includes hand sanitizer, masks (transparent masks will be provided to the D/HH teachers), face shields, gloves, googles, disposable gown, and sanitized wipes for them to pick up and take with them on the road to their school visits.
The Deaf and Hard of Hearing Itinerant teachers and team support students across the system through a Tiered approach as outlined below:
- Due to enhanced safety protocols, teachers will be expected to limit the number of schools visited per day to one school in the morning and one school in the afternoon. This can be achieved by extending direct teaching sessions and by providing virtual and remote support as possible.
- Itinerants will need more time with their Tier 3 students to help transition students back to face-to-face learning
- BLV - Tier 1, Tier 2 and Tier 3 Support:
o Tier 3 students - Blind/Braille Readers: 6-10 hours of instruction per week o Tier 2 students - Blind with additional disabilities: 3-5 hours of instruction per week o Tier 1 students - Low Vision: 1-2 hours of instruction per week DHH - Tier 3, Tier 2 and Tier 1 Support:
o Tier 3 students receive between 1-3 hours of direct instruction per week. This is a withdrawal service focusing on an Alternative Curriculumo Tier 2 students receive a monthly visit to check SEA funded Remote Microphone equipment and monitor program accommodations. These visits will occur either face to face or remotely depending on the type of equipment being used. Tier 1 students receive 2-3 visits per year or as required to monitor use of personal hearing assistive technology and accessibility of curriculum content.
For all levels of support, Itinerant teachers will collaborate with school staff to create IEPs that reflect the necessary accommodations to ensure accessibility.
** Transparent masks can be ordered for classroom teachers supporting students who are Deaf/Hard of Hearing to ensure important communication information that comes from speech reading and facial expressions continues to be accessible. These masks can be ordered for other students in the class to facilitate communication.
- For students who choose remote learning, the above tiers of support will be provided virtually. Teachers supporting DHH students through Virtual School will be provided with external microphones as required to ensure an optimal sound signal.
- BLV and DHH itinerant teachers will continue to support students through face to face learning when and where possible following protocols that limit the number of schools that can be entered each day. Assessments and servicing of most specialized SEA equipment will also need to be done face to face., (approx. 60 students BLV Tier 3 students and approx. 145 students DHH Tier 3 students)
- Orientation & Mobility (O&Ms) Instructors will continue to provide instruction to students who were not able to fulfill their transition plans in June. They would ensure that students learn their new routes to school, find all of their classes, learn to read timetables, review street safety, and locate washroom facilities of course while wearing PPE and following health and safety protocols
- O&Ms will also review COVID specific travel markers, identifiers, and physical procedures. This would include change in line-up entrances, fire routes, or other protocols (approx. 43- 50 students who require Tier 3 O&M support).
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There are five Adult High Schools and five EdVance in the TDSB. They all offer quadmestered courses and share the school space with EdVance students who are 18 to 20 years old.
At the beginning of each quadmester students choose one of the following options (no switching during quadmesters):
Pre-registration and registration will be done online or through telephone for quadmester one. English/Math assessment testing for new Canadians without any academic documentation will be done in-person, at the school, in small numbers and with physical distancing in place (beginning week of August 24).
Devices (laptops, Chromebook) will be provided to these learners, if required.
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Student Transportation There have been a number of changes to student transportation for the 2020-21 school year in light of COVID-19. A student transportation fact sheet has been created to summarize the main issues, and to ensure that parents/guardians have the latest information. The fact sheet will continue to be updated and shared as the situation evolves.
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International Baccalaureate
Fees Update
On August 6, 2020, TDSB Trustees approved a motion to eliminate the $1,500 fee for the 2020-21 International Baccalaureate (IB) Program. Refunds will be issued to families for 2020-21 fees that have already been paid, and all upcoming instalments payments will be suspended or refunded.
Learning Module Update
Has not been finalised, More Information to follow. Eligible students who are interested in registering for the program can contact their school’s guidance counsellor for more information.
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Resources for Preparing for Back to School
Returning to school after so many months away may be a challenging and scary experience. To help get all students and families ready for September, we have put together some resources to help with the transition.
TDSB Online Conversations
TDSB's Parent and Community Engagement Office and the Parent Involvement Advisory Committee are hosting a series of engaging and informative online conversations. Hear from leading experts and participate in question and answer sessions. Following the sessions, recordings are posted online.
- Restore Calm, weekly Mondays and Wednesdays, August 12-26, 7:30 – 8:30 a.m.
- Safe Reopening of Schools, August 13, 6:30-8:30 p.m.
- Fathering/Grandfathering/Caregiving in a Heightened Racialized Environment, August 18, 6:30-8 p.m.
- Talking Teens: Getting Them Out of Bed and Ready for School, August 20, 6:30-8 p.m.
- Healing from Racialized Trauma, August 24, 6:30-8 p.m.
- Supporting Mental Health and Well-Being during the Transition Back to Learning, August 27, 6:30-8 p.m.
Mental Health and Well-Being Videos
Learning opportunities for Parents and Caregivers developed by the TDSB Professional Support Services Team:
COVID-19 Hygiene - Videos for Kids
Mask Information Videos - Toronto Public Health
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New student resources for anxiety management and mental health literacy
From School Mental Health Ontario - During challenging times, it’s normal for our anxiety to spike. Dealing with uncertainty and unprecedented events such as COVID-19 can been difficult for us all, and especially students.
With the help of Ontario secondary school students, we’ve put together youth-friendly activities to help students understand more about anxiety and coping in relation to the pandemic. It’s important for students to have both the “how” and “why” to best support their use of these resources. Please click here
For educators - please click here...
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Join Me & Trustee Smith (Ward 17) for a Virtual Ward Forum on School Reopening Plans.
Superintendents & Executive Superintendents will also be available to answer your questions.
Date: Thursday, Aug 27, 2020
Time: 7:00 PM to 9:00PM
Details about the meeting will be shared soon.
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