Winter Study 2019 at Deutsch: Val DiFebo ’84 Current Williams Trustee with four Winter Study Interns and Alumna ’18.
Hey, Game of Thrones fans... Jon Snow says "Winter (Study) is Coming"!

Winter Study is the perfect time to take advantage of the many experiential courses we offer to explore options, add value to the community, and gain future direction. The '68 Center for Career Exploration offers four courses: SPEC 21: Experience in the Workplace, An Internship with Williams Alumni & Parents, SPEC 19: Healthcare Internships, SPEC 30: Emergency Medical Technician Training and SPEC 26: Essentials for Entrepreneurship: An Immersion in the San Francisco Start-up Culture. In addition, we are offering several Career Treks at the end of the term, more details below.  Winter Study is also a popular time for career workshops, How'd you Get There guest speakers, and coffee chats, be sure to check Handshake for updates.  Lastly, Winter Study is the beginning of the internship search season for summer 2020.
Meet with an advisor, network on EphLink, learn about internship funding options, and begin exploring
your options because Winter (Study) is coming!

- Don Kjelleren, Director

Catch up on the latest at the '68 Center!

"The Most Dramatic" How'd You Get There event in '68 Center History... A Visit from Dylan Barbour '16 🌹

On Friday, November 8th, Dylan Barbour ’16, COO and Co-founder of Vizer, a startup based out of San Diego spoke with students of the value of an entrepreneurial mindset. The Vizer app allows you to exercise to donate meals to charity and earn rewards while you do it. Not only has Dylan been successful in the startup industry, but he also had made a name for himself in television, appearing on The Bachelorette and most recently, Bachelor in Paradise. Dylan shared his story on what led him to create his startup with his cousin and how he ended up being part of the infamous Bachelor Nation. Students were thrilled to hear from him and so were we! Thanks again for visiting Dylan. Read The Record's recap here!
Welcome to Williams, Rebecca & Emma!

Please welcome Rebecca Counter (left) and Emma Cutrufello (right) to Williams! Rebecca joins the '68 Center team as our new Director of Science and Health Professions Advising and Emma as our new Director of Career Discovery Programs. We asked Rebecca and Emma to answer a few questions about themselves and what excites them the most about being at Williams College. Read their responses below!  
Q1: Where were you and what did you do before coming to Williams?  
Emma: I worked in Career Education at Wellesley College, and previously I lived in the DC area for 12 years, earning my Ph.D. in Political Science and working at several international affairs think tanks and George Mason University. 
Rebecca: Just before coming to Williams, I was part of the health professions advising team in the Loeb Center for Career Exploration and Planning at Amherst College. 

Q2: What about Williams are you most excited about? 
Emma: I'm looking forward to meeting with students and alumni--I love connecting people and helping folks reflect on their experiences and set goals for the future. 
Rebecca: What I am most excited about here at Williams is the opportunity to become a part of and contribute to such a vibrant, collaborative, and impactful community. 

Q3: What are your goals/plans for your career community? 

Emma: For the Education Career Community, I hope to engage alumni who are teaching in a range of different school types, as well as those who utilize their interest in education in diverse ways, such as education technology or education policy. For Career Discovery programs for first and second years, my goal is for all students entering Williams to engage in exploration early and often during their time on campus.
Rebecca: I hope to build a robust, dynamic, and student-centered program that is reflective of the needs and interests of our career community and that offers opportunities to explore the spectrum of possibilities in science and health fields. I also hope to foster a career community in which all students and alumni feel that they can thrive. I look forward to helping students and alumni discover, prepare for, and flourish along their own unique academic and professional pathways.
Today (Thursday, November 21, 2019) from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. I will be tabling in the Paresky Center. Please stop by to share your questions, thoughts, and ideas – or just to say hello!

Fun fact about yourself
Emma: I have a dog named Hughie and I enjoy running and hiking. The past 15 years I've worked in towns starting with a W (Wilmington, Washington, Wellesley and now Williamstown!).   

Rebecca: Rock climbing is one of my favorite hobbies. I especially enjoy the aspects of personal challenge and problem-solving that it involves and the sense of community that it inspires.

Favorite Season (fall, winter, spring, or summer) and Why?
Emma: I enjoy that moment of change between each season because it feels new and full of opportunity and excitement. 

Rebecca: My favorite season has always been fall. There is something special about the crisp air, warm sunshine, and lively atmosphere on campus at that time of year.

3 words a friend or family member would use to describe you
Emma: Positive, Energetic, Supportive

Rebecca: Curious, creative, and compassionate. These are important elements of my personality as well as the ways in which I approach my work and the world around me. 

Stop the Bleed Workshop

Sgt. Will Knapp partnered with the Injury Prevention Outreach Program at Albany Medical Center to offer a "Stop the Bleed" workshop for Williams students. Attendees were awarded a certificate of training on behalf of the American College of Surgeons Committee on Trauma.

Upcoming Events...

NYU School of Law Online Info Session

Fri, 11/22/19, 12:00 p.m.
Griffin Hall, Room 6
How'd You Get There? Matt Tarses ’90, Emmy nominated writer and producer 

Mon, 11/25/19, 12:00 p.m.

Mears House, Lewis Room
Peer2Peer: Let’s Talk About Publishing

Thurs, 12/05/19, 12:00 p.m.

Paresky Center, Room 220


Quick Questions are Monday through Friday from 1:00 to 4:00 p.m. The schedule for November is as follows: 

Monday: Kristen McCormack
Arts, Communications, & Technology Advisor

Tuesday: Tonio Palmer
Entrepreneurship Advisor

Wednesday: Robin Meyer
Business Advisor

Thursday: Anthony Pernell
Careers with Social Impact and Pre-Law Advisor

Friday: Emma Cutrufello
Still Deciding and Education Advisor
What is a trek? It is an experiential learning opportunity... Moments to connect with alumni, a chance to go behind the scenes at various companies and organizations and so much more! Join us as we travel this Winter Study. There are 3 different treks to apply to: Foreign Affairs,  Media, and the Finance Career Trek. 

Foreign Affairs Career Trek
NYC & Washington, DC
January 27 - 31, 2020

Media Career Trek

New York City, NY
January 30 - 31, 2020

Finance Career Trek
New York City, NY
January 30 - 31, 2020

All applications will open on Monday, December 9! *Except for the Foreign Affairs Career Trek, application period TBD! 
Ready for the LSAT Exam!

Our Pre-Law Advisor, Anthony Pernell will be delivering 114 LSAT exams on Monday, November 25th - a new Williams record! Good luck to all taking the exam. Anthony is pictured below with the many LSAT suitcases.

Follow us on Facebook & Instagram @ephcareers!

Empowering students to explore, define, and achieve their post-graduate goals.

Williams College
75 Park Street, Mears House
Williamstown, MA 01267 | (413) 597-2311
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