Upcoming Delegate Council MeetingPlease join us for our next Delegate Council meeting on Wednesday, July 21st from 6-8 p.m. on Lake Sammamish!
For details please contact Connor Hinton: chinton@kcmsociety.org
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Two Exciting Offerings! Free CME and CNE ~ please share with your colleagues~
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HIPRC Launches Interactive Toolkit on Firearm Injury and Prevention Strategies
Harborview Injury Prevention & Research Center’s (HIPRC) - Firearm Injury & Policy Research Program (FIPRP) has created a new interactive toolkit on firearm injury and suicide prevention strategies.
FIPRP’s mission is to reduce the impact of firearm injury and death on people’s lives through research and collaboration.
The interactive toolkit details three interventions available to protect yourself and loved ones from firearm injury or suicide: 1) Firearm Safe Storage; 2) Extreme Risk Protection Orders (ERPOs); 3) Voluntary Waiver of Firearm Rights (Voluntary Do-Not-Sell) lets people voluntarily and confidentially restrict immediate access to firearm purchase.
The toolkit contains downloadable videos and information flyers, social media graphics, and links to additional resources. Please share this link with others in your network: https://hiprc.org/3interventionstoolkit/
Questions, comments, or feedback? hiprccom@uw.edu
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Chelsea Price, DODr. Chelsea Price practices out of Kirkland, Washington specializing in Obstetrics and Gynecology. Dr. Price is affiliated with EvergreenHealth Kirkland and University of Washington Medicine - Valley Medical Center.
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Judy Vu, MDDr. Judy Vu practices out of Seattle, WA specializing in Pediatrics and Internal Medicine. Dr. Vu is affiliated with Swedish Medical Center First Hill and Swedish Medical Center Cherry Hill.
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Tracey Dubal, MDDr. Tracey Dubal is a new staff physician of ambulatory care in the Memphis VAMC, and previously Chief Resident of Ambulatory Care in the Dept. of Internal Medicine at the Univ. of Tennessee Health Science Center in Memphis. Originally from New Jersey, Dr. Dubal received her Bachelor’s degree in biochemistry from Montclair State University and Medical Doctorate from Ross University. Dr. Dubal looks forward to moving to Seattle next year with her husband and two children. Her clinical interests include ambulatory education, curriculum design, and EBM. Otherwise, you can find her with her family playing in the garden and exploring the outdoors.
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Are you a physician on the move?Let us know what you are up to! We'd love to share your news.
Email Connor Hinton at: chinton@kcmsociety.org
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The Supreme Court (SCOTUS) upheld the Affordable Care Act (ACA) - impacting over 860,000 Washingtonians that receive health care coverage through the ACA. WA residents will continue to benefit from the consumer protections that have been incorporated into both federal and state law which includes protections from annual and lifetime caps, excessive waiting periods, pre-existing condition exclusions, and discrimination based on gender, race, national origin or disability.
The American Rescue Plan Act expanded the ACA allowing Washingtonians to save on the cost of their individual health insurance and makes it easier to get and stay covered. WA residents can sign up or switching plans by August 15, 2021. Enrollment is offered year-round to individuals and families through WA Apple Health (Medicaid).
Free help from local experts is accessible by visiting WA Healthplanfinder.
About Washington Apple Health
In WA, Medicaid is called Washington Apple Health. Free or low-cost coverage is available year-round. Those who qualify, have access to preventive care, such as cancer screenings, treatment for diabetes and high blood pressure, and many other health care services.
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Join the Washington Health Alliance & Dr. Robert Bree CollaborativeThursday, July 15, 2021, from 11:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. PTThe Third Framework for Action Webinar addresses the challenge of measuring what matters as efficiently as possible. This webinar will help purchasers, providers, and health plans identify ways they can take action and features:
- Dr. Rebecca Etz, Director of the Larry Green Center at Virginia Commonwealth University, who will share her work on measuring what matters in primary care.
- Alicia Berkemeyer, Executive Vice President, Chief Health Management Officer, Arkansas Blue Cross Blue Shield will share a case study from Arkansas.
- Dorothy Teeter, Director of Washington State Health Care Authority, Dorothy will lead a panel discussion highlighting efforts in WA state to measure what matters more effectively.
For information and registration, click here.
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COVID-19 Update - Pfizer BoosterClick here for updates on the COVID-19 pandemic and the new information from Pfizer on the possible rollout of their new booster for the Delta variant.
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Non-competes, banks, and farms: Five key elements of Biden's executive order
Click here to read an article in The Hill discussing much of what President Biden's new executive order entails regarding competition within different sectors of the U.S economy, including corporate healthcare and the issue of merging entities.
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In MemoriaMartin E. Hanson, M.D December 5th, 1921 - May 20th, 2021
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