Earth Day 2025
Earth Day comes around every April. While this year it falls on April 22, some folks choose to call it Earth Month and make commitments all April long to help the environment. What if we adopted practices and made them habits that supported the planet all year long?
Not all sustainable practices work for everyone, but find some that work for you, and maybe identify one or two that you want to stick to all year round. Ten ideas include:
1. Carry a water bottle with you so you have no need to purchase bottled water in single-use plastic.
2. Carpool to work, sports games, school, dance practice, etc.
3. Shop secondhand stores and estate/garage/yard sales.
4. Repair broken items instead of buying new (attend a repair fair).
6. Plant a tree.
7. Learn to sew a button or teach someone to sew a button (a first step in mending clothing).
8. Take a moment to admire nature (sunset/sunrise, wildlife, trees, etc.).
10. Turn off lights when you leave a room and turn off the faucet while brushing your teeth; try to limit showers to five minutes.
What other ideas do you have? Talk to your kids, family, friends, and neighbors for other ideas. The first step is to think about it, then do it, then try to make it a habit so every day becomes Earth Day.
Learn about the first Earth Day in Oregon: