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League of Women Voters® of Nashville Calendar Nashville Voter
The League of Women Voters of Nashville

Friday, November 7, 2014— 11:30 am to 1:00 pm
Why We Argue (and How We Should): 
A Guide to Political Disagreement
Join the League in a lively discussion on the importance of political argument and the finer points of critical thinking and supporting logic, when Vanderbilt University authors Scott Aikin and Robert Talisse present their 2013 release:  Why We Argue (and How We Should): A Guide to Political Disagreement (Routledge 2013).
First Friday attendees will learn about argument-imposters - statements that misrepresent an opponent’s viewpoint, the “hollow man fallacy” (a lack of actual identified source) and the “weak-manned” maneuver in which the least defensible lines of an opponent’s argument are chosen to rebut as the authors identify common political speech strategies politicians present  to look like valid arguments.
  Second Harvest Martin Distribution Center in Metro Center
331 Great Circle Road, Nashville 37228
Parking is Easy & Free! 
Enjoy the Second Harvest Friday Lunch Buffet at $12/person or byo brown bag.
FOOD DRIVE: Second Harvest is always in need of food items.  The items most needed are Peanut Butter, Canned Meat (Chicken or Tuna), Canned Vegetables, Canned fruit, Pasta and Cereal.  We can make a big difference by bringing one item per person to each meeting.  
For additional information, contact
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PO BOX 158369 | Nashville, TN 37215 US

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