September 18, 2020

Need-to-Know News from the USA 

Virus Pulls Down Trump, Poll Shows, and G.O.P. Senators Suffer With Him
Why Share It: A New York Times/Siena College opinion survey shows that Vice President Biden is leading President Trump by wide margins in Maine and Arizona, and is effectively tied with him in North Carolina.

New Survey Results From KFF/Cook Political Report Survey in AZ, Fl, and NC. AZ Moves to Lean Dem
Why Share It: Veteran analyst Amy Walter of the non-partisan Cook Political Report provides details on new survey results from her organization and the Kaiser Family Foundation that show Vice President Biden leading President Trump in Arizona and effectively tied with him in Florida and North Carolina — states that President Trump won in 2016.
US election polls tracker: who is leading in the swing states?
The Guardian
Why Share It: The Guardian provides a useful visual summary of the moving average of the results of several recent public opinion surveys conducted in U.S. swing states by credible U.S. research organizations.

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