MLK Sunday, King Week, International Holocaust Remembrance Day
MLK Sunday, King Week, International Holocaust Remembrance Day
News and Programs 1.12.24
MLK Sunday
MLK Sunday in Beloved Community Worship
Sunday, January 21, 2023, 11:00 a.m. Service, Noon Lunch, Cannon Chapel
Join Beloved Community for worship and lunch on MLK Sunday. Our preacher will be Dr. Carol E. Henderson, vice provost for diversity and inclusion, chief diversity officer, and adviser to the president at Emory. Dr. Henderson is professor emerita of English and Africana Studies at the University of Delaware and the author and editor of five books as well as numerous essays and journal articles. 
Please register for worship and lunch here.
Emory Beloved Community is a weekly ecumenical Protestant worship service planned for the campus community that gathers Sundays at 11:00 a.m. during the academic year in Cannon Chapel. All are warmly welcome. For more information, please contact
Register for MLK Sunday Lunch and Worship Here
Emory King Week 2024
Emory King Week 2024
Emory University King Week is a series of programs offered in January by various Emory units to honor the life and legacy of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and the Civil Rights movement. Programs include educational lectures, spiritual events, community service projects, celebrations, and exhibits.
See a full list of current programs on the King Week website here. This page will be updated as additional information becomes available. For more information, please contact
WISE 2024 application
Welcoming Interfaith and Spiritual Exploration (WISE Pre-Orientation): Apply to Be a Student Coordinator
OSRL is hiring Student Coordinators to lead the Peer Mentor team for our 2024 WISE Pre-Orientation. The WISE Student Coordinator is a paid, part-time role starting in February 2024 through August 2024. The position requires 4-5 hours per week during the Spring 2024 semester starting in February, a few hours per month in the summer, and an increased time commitment starting during the second week of August during final pre-orientation preparations and for the Peer Mentor training and the WISE program (August 19-23). 
Apply and view the position description here. Deadline to apply is January 19, 2024. 
Learn more about the WISE program here. Information about WISE Peer Mentor positions will be available late January 2024.
Please email with any questions.
Interfaith Interwoven: Open Interfaith Dialogue over Crafts
Wednesdays, Beginning January 17, 2024, 6:30 - 7:30 p.m., Emory Interfaith Center Student Lounge, 1707 N. Decatur Road
Join us in discussing faith and spirituality in a casual yet respectful environment while working on craft projects. Bring your own project or use our crochet supplies (There will be willing teachers on hand too). In addition to sharing and learning, we will enjoy tea, snacks, and a cozy atmosphere in the lounge of the Emory Interfaith Center, 1707 North Decatur Road. All students are welcome.
Please email questions to
International Holocaust Remembrance Day Lecture
Tuesday, January 23, 2024, 5:30 p.m., Emory School of Medicine Room 120
Dr. Ira Bedzow will present a program on "Godwin's Law and Being a Socially Responsible Advocate." 
Click here to learn more and register. 
Holocaust Rememberance Day
International Holocaust Rememberance Day
"After Surviving, Thriving"

Monday, January 29, 2024, 7:00 p.m., ESC Multipurpose Room
This event will be a moderated conversation with Emory President Fenves and ECAS Dean Krauthamer, focused on the Holocaust survival stories of the their respective fathers and the long-term legacy of those experiences on their own lives and careers. Tam Institute for Jewish Studies Director Miriam Udel, will serve as moderator.
*Registration for this event is only open to Emory students, faculty, and staff.* Register here.
Questions can be directed to Brent Buckley (
Rooted in Resilience
Georgia Interfaith Power and Light Green Summit 2024
Saturday, February 3, 2024, 10 am-4 pm, Oak Grove United Methodist Church, Deactur, GA
Join us for our annual Green Team Summit. GIPL Green Teams, faith leaders, and environmental activists from across the state are invited to gather for a time of fellowship and shared learning. This year's theme is “Rooted in Resilience.”
Participants will learn practical insights for cultivating climate resilience in local communities and building a resilient democracy by advocating for environmentally just policies. This year's keynote speaker, Dr. Debra Rienstra will inspire faith communities to develop and live out a resilient faith that carries a sense of hope and embodies an active response to addressing environmental injustices in Georgia and beyond.
The summit will also offer a series of workshops that will help equip faith congregations to build Green Teams, combat climate change through practical climate solutions, develop resiliency hubs, and engage in climate advocacy at the local, state, and federal levels.
General admission is $30. Student tickets are $10. Lunch, coffee, and light snacks will be provided. Register here
Weekly Gatherings
Weekly Spiritual Gatherings
There are a plethora of weekly religious and philosophical gatherings offered at Emory. Many of them are listed here and at the button below. Can't find what you are looking for? Contact many of our undergraduate and graduate communities directly or contact our religious life affiliates and OSRL staff. For questions, or to request adding an item to our weekly gatherings page, please email
Weekly Spiritual Gatherings
Upcoming Religious Holidays
These events are drawn from the multifaith calendar maintained by the Harvard Divinity School Office of Religious and Spiritual Life. To see more upcoming religious holidays and festivals, please click here
Birthday of Guru Gobind Singh Ji
Wed., Jan.17, 2024
Tradition: Sikhism
Guru Gobind Singh Ji (1666-1708), the 10th and final Sikh master, created the Khalsa, the "Brotherhood of the Pure," and declared the Scriptures, the Adi 'Granth, to be the Sikh's Guru from that time on.
Tu B'Shevat
Wed., Jan. 24, 2024
Tradition: Judaism
Emory OSRL ENews is published weekly during term by the Emory University Office of Spiritual and Religious Life publicizing Atlanta-campus spiritual life programs. It is not a comprehensive listing. For Oxford College spiritual life, please click here. To submit information or to update your preferences, please contact 


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