SAC Saliva Testing Follow-up
Thank you to all who participated in testing – and worked at the testing site to administer tests – last week at the SAC, as we returned to saliva pooled surveillance testing (outlined in the Stronger Together Update you received last Friday, January 28). In all, we transitioned 100% of the testing volume at the SAC successfully and were able to return test results generally after just one day.
We acknowledge the slight learning curve (or ‘remembering curve’ for those who participated in saliva testing at the site with us previously) and really appreciate everyone’s cooperation in helping continue to keep our campus safe.
Based on your feedback, we were also happy to be able to offer the program again that provides you with your own personal health portal – where you can see and monitor your results, both positive and negative, in addition to receiving an email confirmation of your test registration and notification of when your results are ready. You will generally be notified within one to two business days (barring any significant events – such as storms – that obstruct/delay UPS deliveries).
Testing One, Two, Three
There are three steps to get yourself initially set up in your health portal – first-time registration, creating your profile, then submitting your test (see links below). Once you register and create or update your profile, you will not need to repeat the first two steps. For subsequent tests, you will simply log onto the portal and submit your test. Here are step-to-step guides we've created to help you:
  1. First-time registration (if you have an account already, you can skip to step 2 to check over and/or update your profile)
A few clarifications and reminders
  • Please Note: DO NOT provide your Social Security number or insurance information (you’ll find details on how to bypass certain personal information questions in the 'Profile' step-by-step guide above). The important information you do need to provide and/or confirm if already registered, is your name, Stony Brook ID number and Stony Brook University as the institution.
  • You do not need to schedule an appointment … just walk in
  • You do not need a smartphone to participate in testing, although one is recommended to facilitate the process at the site. If you do not have a smartphone, you can still test at the site and register your sample at a later time using your preferred internet-ready device (although it is highly recommended that you do not use a public computer to complete your registration). The test site staff will explain how to do this at the time of your test. Please note that if you choose this option, failure to enter your information accurately may result in your test being cancelled as NYSDOH requires that a test must be paired with a profile before it can be processed.
  • If you prefer anterior nasal swab testing, you may choose to test at the HSC Galleria, open 8:30 am - 3:00 pm, Monday-Thursday.
All of this information and more can be found on our newly updated Stronger Together Testing/Screening webpage, where we’ve made further modifications over the past week to make it more user-friendly and helpful for you.
Our ongoing reminder: If you are fully vaccinated and have reported your full vaccination status to us, please remember to test monthly, according to the schedule based on your last name (on the Stronger Together Testing/Screening webpage for your convenience). Those unvaccinated or who have not reported their status should continue to test weekly.
Stay well … 
The Stronger Together Team
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