Colleagues and friends,
Over the past few weeks, spring has arrived with her gift of beautiful blooms, unexpected showers, and long days filled with sunlight.  I’m grateful for the opportunity to appreciate beauty as I assimilate loss of “what was” into new plans for my future.  Yesterday, I had a lovely chat with Vito Valera that got me thinking about our students’ conceptions of future. We’ve all had to recalibrate if not redefine our futures. For our students, especially those that are graduating this quarter, the conception of future has an entirely new meaning - mostly anchored in uncertainty. What can we do to support them at this moment? I’ve heard from many of you how much students appreciate the consistency continuing with school offers as a counterpoint to uncertainty.  I’ve also seen the many ways in which we are pulling together to celebrate student work and growth this quarter.  We are building new rituals for marking student journeys and celebrating their success.
So, my friends, this week’s newsletter offers a few avenues for supporting and celebrating our students this quarter:
  • Make plans to attend the Lavender Graduation on June 11, 3-4 pm (RSVP)
  • Invite the Evergreen community to share in your student’s end-of-year presentations
  • Encourage students to submit a proposal for their work to be featured in a virtual gallery
  • Check out student research at Evergreen Tacoma Spring fair
To support and enrich your learning and reflection this summer, we've curated an mix of sponsored and communitiy-initiated summer institute offerings that we encourage you to add to your summer calendar. (Registration opens on May 20)
In community,
JuliA Metzker
Elizabeth Williamson
Evergreen students Oscar Lira, Val Vajda, and Stephanie Burgett serve as essential workers, while continuing their studies at Evergreen. Students were highlighted in a recent article by Thurston Talk

Important Deadlines

Share your end-of-year presentations | Last Call

At the end of the school year, programs and contract faculty often invite the campus community to see their students' work. There are art shows, performances, readings, mini-conferences, and the like. This year we are going to create an all-campus list of capstone and end-of-quarter student work so members of the Evergreen community can see all of these events and opportunities listed in one place. If you would like your students' work to be represented, please fill out this questionnaire.  A WordPress site will be created where these events and opportunities will be listed.

Fall 2020 Catalog Updates | Due BEFORE May 18

Please complete the webform regarding your fall offerings before Monday, May 18, 2020. The goal is to finalize catalog copy by Friday, May 22nd, in advance of the Academic Fair on May 27th. 

Evergreen Virtual Galleries Submissions | Due by May 22

A small group of Visual and Media Arts staff and interns are working to create a series of Evergreen Virtual Galleries. These will be Evergreen’s first series of online only galleries featuring artwork created by students over the 2019-2020 academic year. As part of the opening event for the Senior Works show on June 9th, the selected artists will have the opportunity to participate in a live event where they will have 3-5 minutes to share images and talk about their process and their work. These events will be open to the public and will be an opportunity to showcase some of our students’ best work and celebrate virtually with friends and family. 
Visual and media arts faculty, please encourage your students to submit a proposal for their work to be featured in the virtual galleries. For more information, including a proposal form, please visit the Learning and Teaching Commons website.  

Teaching Resources

Commons Conversation | Equitable Remote Seminars: Lessons Learned, Looking Forward

Facilitated by Elizabeth Williamson 
Wednesday | WK 8 | 20 May 2020 | 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM
Now that we’ve all had the experience of running seminars and workshops online, this is an ideal time to take stock of what you’ve learned, and what you would still like to know. Please join us for a Commons Conversation focused on sharing best practices — first and foremost the ones you have gleaned from your teaching experiences, but also from our peers at other institutions. Please visit the Learning and Teaching Commons website for a full description and the zoom meeting link.

Workshop Roll Up | Keeping Documentation Exciting and Manageable

If you were unable to join us for the live workshop, you can access a recording and additional resources on the Learning and Teaching Commons website

Keep Teaching Canvas Course

We encourage all faculty and instructional staff to enroll in the Keep Teaching Canvas course. The Canvas course offers a robust selection of remote teaching resources.

Did you miss an important campus announcement?

We’ve cataloged the communications relevant to teaching and learning on the important updates, policies and recommendations module in the Keep Teaching canvas course. 

Visit for more advice, resources, and tools.

Faculty Highlights

Evergreen Tacoma Spring Community Fair

May 16-23, 2020
The Tacoma Program of The Evergreen State College has taken its student research to an ONLINE platform! They have extended their reach from the Mimms/Hardiman Lyceum Hall to a virtual exhibition and presentation of interactive student research project exhibits, translated into resources for community engagement as well as staff and faculty work. They will have live events, including a clip screening of a locally filmed documentary and Q&A with the director, a children’s story hour, a mini-memoir reading, opera, fun with math, and much more! They have invited a global public, local organizations, alumni, and members of their learning community to visit the fair and interact with our engaging and empowering projects at their website
Evergreen Tacoma Spring Fair CoronaVerse Promo:
Evergreen Tacoma Spring Fair CoronaVerse Promo YouTube

Share your stories here

We've heard such wonderful tales of the creative ways faculty and students are adapting to learning and teaching in physical isolation. Send a short description of an activity, student project, and other resource to the Learning and Teaching Commons. Materials will be posted on the Keep Teaching Canvas Course and highlighted in this newsletter.

Student Resources

The Writing Center
The Writing Center continues to offer our students high-quality, tailored writing support. Please direct your students to their website for updated drop-in hours for Academic Statement support. For students who missed the April Academic Statement workshop, a recording is available on the Writing Center website
The Geoduck Student Union COVID-19 Support Group for Students
Students seeking a safe space to talk, be heard, and to be in community with fellow students, are invited to join the Geoduck Student Union's student-centered/student-run weekly virtual space. Information on joining the meetings can be found on the Geoduck Student Union website
Thurston County Food Bank Pop Ups
The next Food Bank Pop Up will be held on Tuesday, May 19. Students will be eMailed updates on the Food Bank Pop Ups. A schedule is available here.

Additional resources for supporting students are available in the Keep Teaching and Keep Learning Canvas courses. Please encourage your students to review the Keep Learning website at :  
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