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University of Oregon
HR Community of Practice

December 2024 Newsletter

person walking under an umbrella with the Oregon O on it
News for the HRCP
For unit HR professionals
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Hire and Pay Action Deadlines
  • December and January appointments and changes are past due to HR Operations.
Other personnel and pay deadlines:
Be up front with your employees whose pay may be delayed. Communicating early will help manage expectations.

Tip: Add the calendar "HR Community of Practice" to your Outlook or bookmark the HRCP calendar in your browser.

woman with mug and earbuds
Holidays and Quiet Period 
Quiet period December 25, 2024 through January 1, 2025: 
  • Encourage your teams and supervisors to observe the quiet period as operations allow.
  • People working during the quiet period should avoid sending non-essential emails and Teams messages. Learn to schedule a later send for: Emails Teams messages
University HR will reduce our operations substantially during the quiet period. Response and processing times will be longer than usual. If you have an urgent issue, please email the appropriate HR unit's role account.
Canopy resources: Certain holiday situations can bring moments of distress and anxiety for some people. Please remind employees that they can access mental health counseling, personal coaching, financial and caregiving services, and more via Canopy.
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Data Point Trivia 
Read to the end of the newsletter to find the answer to the question!
Which of the following is not part of a university's employee value proposition (EVP)?
a. Health insurance benefits.
b. Feeling included and respected at work.
c. Marketing aimed at attracting out-of-state students.
d. Employee perks such as discounted arts and sports tickets.
(If you need help, look at our EVP flyer!)
feet walking in the rain
Updates, News, Requests, and Reminders
NCCI classification codes: Make sure that you select the appropriate NCCI code for workers' compensation when hiring temporary employees, graduate employees, student employees, and for stipend positions. (For other positions, the code is assigned centrally.)
Workplace Harassment and Discrimination Prevention training: THANK YOU for reinforcing the messaging around this training. The deadline for faculty, classified staff, officers of administration, and graduate employees to complete the training is January 29, 2025 (or 90 days from hire).
FYI Fridays proposals: Do you have a resource, a tool, or an experience to share? Something that would be interesting or helpful to UO faculty, staff, and graduate/student employees? We would love to hear about it. We're looking for several more presenters for winter and spring terms. Learn more or suggest a presentation. 
Easy way to give to causes you care about: The Oregon State and University Employees Charitable Fund Drive runs through December 27. It's an easy way to give—you can pick from 850+ state and local nonprofits. Donate here.
UO Leadership Academy 2025-26 applications due January 24: The academy creates an engaged learning environment for mid-career academic and administrative leaders, empowering them to address complex challenges and lead from where they are. For more information and the application, see the Office of the Provost webpage.
Reminder: New student hiring forms: There is a new SEF, and it requires the job title and supervisor. For student employment exception requests, use this new form. Exception requests are now handled by Employee and Labor Relations (instead of Talent Acquisition).
Reminder: Reclassifying research faculty from pro tem to career: is now done in MyTrack (instructions).
Reminder: Direct deposit form PDF going away: Please support employees in using Duckweb to make changes to direct deposit (Duckweb/Employee Information/Employee Dashboard Application).
email signature
Tip of the Month
Do you want an easy, branded email signature? Visit University Communications' email signature page to get the template and instructions for updating your signature in Outlook. (You can customize the signature however you want.)
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HRCP Events
Events designed for or of interest to UO HR professionals.
New! HR Community Walking Group! Starts January 8. Looking for a chance to take a break from your screen? Join us for a casual stroll around campus. Come and go when you can. Meet at the 13th Ave. entrance to Lillis Hall on Wednesdays at noon, rain or shine!
Student Worker Unionization and Weingarten Rights: What Supervisors Need to Know January 15, 2:00–3:00 p.m., January 28, 11:00 a.m.–noon, or February 18, 10:00–11:00 a.m. on Zoom. HR partners and supervisors of student workers are invited to learn the latest information on student employee unionization. Register in MyTrack.
HR Round Table Discussions: Opportunities to discuss topics that cross teams and HR content areas. All are welcome to share ideas and struggles, or to listen. Register in MyTrack at the links below. Zoom meetings.
HR Community of Practice Professional Development Series: Join your campus HR colleagues to create stronger collaboration and community. Register in MyTrack at the links below. In-person meetings.
Supervisor Development Series: Supporting a Respectful Work Environment: January 22, 10:00 a.m.–noon. Zoom meeting. This workshop is about the UO's expectations of supervisors to create and support a respectful work environment. You are welcome as an HR partner, even if you do not supervise. Register in MyTrack.
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HR Jobs at UO
Here are the university's current HR job postings. Please share them in your networks!
HRCP Meetings
Our next meeting is January 8 from 2:00-3:00 p.m. on Zoom. Brian Fox, associate vice president for budget, financial analysis, and data analytics, will present.
Resources from the December 4 meeting are available on the HRCP website
News and Events for Your Unit
Please share with your area's leaders and employees!

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Easy way to give to causes you care about: The Oregon State and University Employees Charitable Fund Drive runs through December 27. It's an easy way to give—you can pick from 850+ state and local nonprofits. Donate here.
FYI Fridays proposals: Do you have a resource, a tool, some research, or an experience to share? Something that would be interesting or helpful to UO faculty, staff, and graduate/student employees? We're looking for several more presenters for winter and spring terms. Learn more or suggest a presentation. 
Quiet period December 25, 2024 through January 1, 2025: Supervisors, please encourage employees to take time off as feasible. Everyone should avoid contacting each other about non-urgent matters. (Learn to schedule a later send for: Emails Teams messages)
Canopy holiday resources: Certain holiday situations can bring moments of distress and anxiety for some people. Remember that you can access mental health counseling, personal coaching, financial and caregiving services, and more via Canopy.
UO Leadership Academy 2025-26 applications due January 24: The academy creates an engaged learning environment for mid-career academic and administrative leaders, empowering them to address complex challenges and lead from where they are. For more information and the application, see the Office of the Provost webpage. Supervisors and department heads: please consider inviting one or more faculty members or staff to apply!
Workplace Harassment and Discrimination Prevention training deadline: January 29. All faculty, officers of administration, classified staff, and graduate employees should complete ASAP. More information.
Student Worker Unionization and Weingarten Rights: What Supervisors Need to Know: January 15, 2:00–3:00 p.m., January 28, 11:00 a.m.–noon, or February 18, 10:00–11:00 a.m. on Zoom. If you supervise student workers, you're encouraged to attend and hear the latest information on student employee unionization. Register in MyTrack
New Employee Orientation Programs: Mission, Shared Responsibilities, and Engagement Opportunities: January 9, 2:00–4:30 p.m. via Zoom. New faculty, officers of administration, and classified staff are invited to learn about opportunities to find community at UO, community standards, UO's mission, and related resources. Register in MyTrack or email if your DuckID is not yet set up.
On-Campus Interviews and Inappropriate Conversations: January 10, 10:00–11:00 a.m. on Zoom. Anyone who will participate in faculty searches this year is encouraged to attend. This means department heads, search committee chairs and members, and faculty who will meet candidates. You'll learn expected practices for creating a welcoming environment, and how to avoid asking inappropriate or illegal questions. Register in MyTrack.
Employee Benefits Overview: Offered monthly. Next session is January 16, 3:00–4:00 p.m.. on Zoom. Join UO Benefits Office staff for a session on benefits and retirement options for faculty, staff, and officers of administration. Learn about core and lesser-known benefits and perks. (New employees should not wait for this session to enroll in benefits.) Register in MyTrack.
Trivia Answer 
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Data Point Trivia 
Which of the following is not part of a university's employee value proposition (EVP)?

a. Health insurance benefits.

b. Feeling included and respected at work.

c. Marketing aimed at attracting out-of-state students.

d. Employee perks such as discounted arts and sports tickets.
An organization's employee value proposition is a statement of all the ways the organization provides value to current and prospective employees from compensation and benefits, to shared purpose, to perks and discounts.
EVP does not include initiatives aimed at non-employees, like students.
Human Resources, 677 E 12th Ave. Suite 400, Eugene, OR 97403
P: 541-346-3159
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