WRJ SJC | Or Ami Applications | Belin Applications | RAC-NY & Green Light
WRJ SJC | Or Ami Applications | Belin  Applications | RAC-NY & Green Light
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News from the Northeast

April 2, 2019
This eblast is sent from northeast@wrj.org.
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Did you miss the March newsletter? You can read it here

Message from Carmen Holzman
Vice President of Philanthropy and Development
WRJ Northeast District

Spring has arrived in the Northeast District – a great location to experience nature at its best, with colorful blooms, birds chirping, streams flowing with an abundance of water, the chromatic spectrum of green color everywhere… and the ideal time to start planting new seeds for the growing season ahead!
I would like to take this opportunity to begin our growing season in the WRJ Northeast District by introducing the Northeast District Committee for Youth, Education and Special Projects Fund, commonly known as the Northeast YES Fund Committee. Committee members include Nancy Bosco, Cathy Sacks, Helene Phillips, and myself. As a committee, we are tasked with planning and promoting meaningful programs at WRJ Northeast District events to educate all members and the community at large about the Lifeline Endowment Fund and WRJ’s Social Good philanthropic agenda.
Each year WRJ allocates YES funds to support and strengthen the Progressive Reform Movement. This includes, but is not limited to, summer camps, student scholarships and awards, grants to the Israel Religious Action Center (IRAC), the Israel Movement for Reform and Progressive Judaism (IMPJ), PJ Library, and emergency grants to help those respond to current events and those in need.
The WRJ Northeast YES Fund Committee has already started thinking about our YES Fun-d-Raiser for the upcoming Kallah, during the weekend of October 27-29, 2019, in Norwalk, Connecticut. Mark your calendars now – the guest speaker for this event will be Sandy Adland, WRJ YES Fund Committee chair and WRJ Executive Committee member, from Temple Israel Sisterhood in Canton, Ohio. We are honored to have Sandy as our guest speaker and would like to plan a successful event that truly demonstrates the strength of the WRJ Northeast District. In order to do so, we need your support. On behalf of the Northeast YES Fund Committee, I would like to ask you for your input: what types of programs and activities would be most meaningful to you and your communities? PLEASE EMAIL ME your ideas and suggestions and I will gladly share them with the Northeast District YES Fund Committee for consideration. If you would like to participate as a committee member, please reach out; we would love to have new inspired members on our team!
The YES Fund is making daily impacts in North America, Israel, and the world because of your collective generous financial support. Thank you!
Best wishes for a meaningful Passover! Hag sameah to you and your family.
Carmen Holzman
WRJ Northeast District YES Fund Chair
Congregation Beth Israel, West Hartford, CT

WRJ Social Justice Conference
May 18-19, 2019, Washington, DC

There is still time to register!

The WRJ Social Justice Conference is a powerful opportunity to become better-educated and trained on social justice issues. SJC is intended for any woman (age 18+) interested in advocacy in the Reform Movement through a Jewish woman’s lens.
Fees: $360; $100 for young adults (18-30)

Belin Award Applications

The Belin Awards are presented to congregations of all sizes that have created new models or developed innovative programs to engage and retain members.

Sisterhood News and Events

All WRJ members are welcome at these events

Sunday, May 5, 2019, 1-5 p.m.
Mah Jongg Tournament
Temple Beth Am
300 Pleasant Street, Framingham, MA

Sisterhood hosts an official tournament. Cash prizes for high scorers. Entry fee $30. Questions: email tempbethammj@gmail.com or call Cynthia (508) 879-5596.
Register by April 21.

Helene Spring Library Event
East End Temple

Rachel Kadish spoke about her National Jewish Book Award winning novel, The Weight of Ink, to a full house of over 100, at East End Temple’s annual Library Event on March 17. A reception with book sale and signing followed, including a dessert buffet by sisterhood members.

Women of the Wall Service 

Temple Concord in Binghamton, NY, had a Shabbat service on Friday, March 8, commemorating the 30th Anniversary of the Women of the Wall and International Women’s Day. Many of the readings were taken from the WOW prayer book. We celebrated with dancing to Debbie Friedman’s "Miriam’s Song" and passed the Torah to every woman. Shari Neuberger, our musical leader and sisterhood member, led us in the song "Kumi Ori," in honor of this special day. Thanks to our Rabbi Barbara Goldman-Wartell for her inspiration, leadership, and support of our sisterhood, WRJ, and WOW.

Mishloach Manot Fundraiser

B'nai Israel Sisterhood has sent mishloach manot boxes to congregants and family for six years. Each year we incorporate something new into our boxes, such as Israeli candy or a way to give tzedakah or perform acts of tikkun olam. This year, we replaced plastic groggers with boxes of macaroni and cheese, and asked people to consume the contents or donate it to our community food pantry.
Contributors send mishloach manot boxes to congregation members, and the sisterhood sends additional boxes to others in our temple community to let them know they are thought of at this time of year. It is a reminder that a synagogue family is truly a "family."
Profits from our Mishloach Manot Fundraiser also help fund the community Yom Kippur Break-Fast... Each contribution to this fundraiser actually brings our community together for two holidays.
Michelle Rosen
B'nai Israel, Southbury, CT

Social Justice in New York:
RAC-NY and Green Light

The Reform Jewish voice is heard loud and clear in New York.

The Religious Action Center has started organizing at the state level, as an effective way to make change. California was the first state where this happened, regarding the issue of immigration reform. Now, several states have full-time organizers with active in-state coalitions. RAC-NY has begun working together with Reform congregations in New York State to have an impact.
RAC-NY’s first campaign is to make drivers’ licenses available to undocumented New Yorkers. This issue is one of the top priorities for some of the largest immigrant justice advocacy groups in New York. Monday, April 8, is the first RAC-NY gathering in Albany to connect in person and lobby for this issue, which is known as the Green Light NY Campaign.
WRJ Northeast District has made a connection to this RAC-NY thanks to Area Director Liza Robbins Theuman. As Liza wrote,
WRJ has always been miles ahead of the URJ with their policy papers, signing onto amicus briefs, etc. Now we hope to help make one issue that has been identified become a bill. We are 102 Reform congregations across the state, and the legislature will listen to us. Social justice is the jewel in the Reform Jewish crown, and God wants us to act. We can truly act on the mandate of tikkun olam, repairing the world.
– – –
Rabbis Bethie Miller and Jeffrey Sirkman of the Larchmont Temple (NY) have prepared a set of Jewish study materials about this issue.
– – –
Follow NY State Assembly and Senate bills, A3675 and S1747 – also known as the Driver's License Access and Privacy Act.

Or Ami Applications

Has your sisterhood had an incredible program? WRJ Or Ami “Light of My People” Awards recognize exemplary social justice, community service, and educational programming that serve as a model for WRJ districts and sisterhoods.
Programs must occur between July 1, 2017, and June 30, 2019.


April 2 Equal Pay Day
April 19 First Seder
April 26 WRJ SJC registration deadline
April 29 Belin Award application deadline

Save the Date

May 18-19 WRJ Social Justice Conference

CCAR Press Discount

Substantial discounts are available to gift shops from CCAR Press on small-quantity bulk orders until May 15.

Moment Magazine Discount

Subscribe via WRJ's shop, and one-half of the $18 subscription price will benefit WRJ initiatives.

Contacts for Elected Officials

The Religious Action Center has compiled a webpage with Resources for Contacting Elected Officials.
Together we can make a difference!

Request a Speaker

Your sisterhood is entitled to a district speaker once every two years, without expense to your sisterhood.
In alternate years, you may REQUEST A WRJ SPEAKER.
Confirm your subscription


New Sisterhood Presidents and Leaders

Submit a LEADERSHIP CHANGE FORM so that WRJ and Northeast District can update their records and provide Yammer access.

Two RAC Alerts

Urge Congress to take action...

...and please LIKE us!


Need access to Yammer?

Contact Heather Lorgeree at 212‑650‑4063, or email her at leadership@wrj.org.

Did You Know...

April 2 is Equal Pay Day

Equal Pay Day was started by the National Committee on Pay Equity in 1996 to highlight the gap between men and women’s wages. Equal Pay Day is set to occur each year in April, to symbolize the gender wage gap. It is always on Tuesday to represent how far into the workweek women must work to earn what men earned during the previous week.
Wear RED on Equal Pay Day to symbolize how far women are "in the red."

The Board of the Northeast District Wishes You a Sweet Passover

Chag Pesach Sameach!

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The next eblast will be sent on May 7, 2019.
Send program listings, photos, and articles to wrjneblast@gmail.com by April 30.
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