Christie St-John to Retire
After nearly 12 years of dedicated service to Owen and Vanderbilt (with a hiatus of 10 years at Dartmouth), Christie St-John will retire from Owen early February 2020.
As Director of MBA Recruiting and Admissions, Christie has provided exceptional leadership and energy to the recruiting and admissions team. Christie’s team has literally traveled the world looking for top Vanderbilt Business talent. Over her 12 years at Vanderbilt, she has ushered in and welcomed close to 2,000 Owen alumni, which is about 20% of the entire Owen alumni base. Christie is known in the MBA world as the ultimate recruiter: she always has a huge smile and the patience to sit and chat with every single person who wants to learn about the program. She has been instrumental in fostering relationships within the higher education community that have always elevated Owen’s presence and respect held by other schools, prospective students, and corporate partners. Over the years, she has built many relationships with prospective students along the way; many who end up applying and attending Owen have said “Christie reached out to me a few years ago, and she’s always kept in contact.”
Christie will be moving to Florida and is looking forward to devoting her energy to enjoying the world of retirement, which includes more time for silversmithing, painting, taking care of her dogs, watching ice hockey, and serving her community at various non-profit organizations.