Columbian College of Arts and Sciences Faculty Getting Press
July 2017

Among the Columbian College faculty getting press during June are the following individuals:

American Studies

Elisabeth Anker was interviewed on 3Sat (German National Television).


Alison Brooks and Bernard Wood commented on the discovery of the oldest Homo sapiens fossils for several media outlets including USA Today, Science, National Geographic, The Toronto Star and The Wall Street Journal. Wood was quoted in by The Christian Science Monitor in the article “Just how Earth-shattering are those 300,000-year-old Homo sapiens fossils?



Michael Moore was quoted by Bloomberg Businessweek in the article “This Case Could Upend America’s $29 Billion Solar Industry” and by The Hill in “Solar panel makers look to White House for help.”

Joann Weiner spoke to Sinclair Broadcast Group about stock market gains since President Trump took office.


Jeffrey J. Cohen authored the article “Drinking and Conferencing” for The Chronicle of Higher Education.

Thomas Mallon authored the essay “Jack be Nimble” for The New Yorker.

Daniel Moshenberg was quoted by Slate in the article “The Freewheelin’ Bob Dylan.”

Christopher Sten was cited on WAMU-FM’s The Kojo Nnamdi Show.

Forensic Sciences  

Victor Weedn was quoted by The Washington Post in the article “What an autopsy could tell us about Otto Warmbier’s death.”


Joel Blecher authored the article “A Newly Discovered Manuscript and Its Lesson on Islam” for The Atlantic

Media and Public Affairs

Dante Chinni authored the article “Trump’s Support Drops in Military Communities” for NBC News (online). He was quoted by Politico in the article “What’s the Greatest Risk Cities Face?

Robert Griffin was quoted by The Hill in the article “Changing America, part V: The coming millennial boom.”

Frank Sesno spoke to CNN’s New Day in the segment “When Do Presidential Tweets Really Count?” and to the WNCK (NPR) show Nantucket CrossCurrents. He was quoted by The Atlanta Journal-Constitution (online) in the article “James Comey Senate hearing: where, when to watch or listen” and by The Washington Post in the article “Why some inside the White House see Trump’s media feud as ‘winning’.”

Nina Seavey was quoted by The St. Louis Post-Dispatch (online) in the article “Spotlight: Former STLer wins federal case over Vietnam protests.”

Nikki Usher authored “Typos are only a hint of what latest Times staff cuts might deliver” for The Columbia Journalism Review. She spoke to Sinclair Broadcast Group about President Trump and media bias. She was quoted by The Christian Science Monitor in the article “With drama in Washington, TV shows find it hard to compete.”

William Youmans was quoted in the New Republic article “What Did Al Jazeera Do?


Larry Medsker authored the blog post “Algorithmic Transparency and Accountability” for AI Matters: A Newsletter of ACM SIGAI

Political Science

Stephen Biddle was quoted by USA Today in the article “U.S. shoots down drone in Syria after it fires on coalition forces” and by The Associated Press in the article “War and waste: cautionary tales as US ponders Afghan boost.”

Sarah Binder authored the article “Yes, Mitch McConnell’s secretive lawmaking is really unusual — in these 4 ways” for The Washington Post and “What Is Mitch McConnell Thinking on Health Care?” for The New York Times. She spoke to KCRW-FM’s To The Point in the segment “McConnell hits headwinds, delays health bill” and to WNYC-FM about the Senate Republican health care bill. She was quoted in numerous media outlets, including The Washington Post (1, 2, 3, 4), Vox (1, 2, 3, 4), The Tampa Bay Times PolitiFact (1, 2), The Los Angeles Times and Forbes.

Mark Croatti was quoted by The Baltimore Sun in the article “Presidential exhibit in Annapolis highlights 'forgotten period of history'.”

Danny Hayes was cited in the Politico article “What it will take for women to win.” He was quoted by Roll Call in “Analysis: No Signs Baseball Shooting Will Change Hill’s Ways.”

Marc Lynch spoke to WNYC-FM’s The Takeaway in the segment “Diplomatic Crisis Hits the Gulf States.” He was cited by HuffPost in the article “Ambassador Slammed Donald Trump Amid UAE Campaign To Isolate Qatar.” He was quoted by The New York Times in “How the Saudi-Qatar Rivalry, Now Combusting, Reshaped the Middle East.”

Mike Mochizuki was quoted by The Richmond Times-Dispatch (online) in the article “Steve Rabson column: Okinawans resist the construction of yet another U.S. base.”

David Shambaugh authored the article “China Rethinks Its Global Role in the Age of Trump” for Bloomberg. 

Public Policy and Public Administration

Stephanie Cellini spoke to NPR’s With Good Reason about the rise of for-profit colleges.

Amit Ronen spoke to WUSA-CBS 9 about the Paris climate agreement. 

Regulatory Studies Center

Susan Dudley authored the article “Senate Weighs Trump's Pick For Regulatory Czar” for Forbes. She was quoted by Bloomberg BNA in the article “Entrepreneur Work Rule in Limbo Amid New Trump Review.”

Sofie Miller was quoted by Greenwire in the article “EPA reissues Obama's dental office mercury rule” and by Bloomberg BNA in “New EPA Rule Not Compliant With Trump Regulatory Order.”

Romance, German and Slavic Languages and Literatures 

Abdourahman Waberi authored the articles “Imaginary speech by Donald Trump: "I love Africa and Africa adore me” and “And tomorrow, Indafrique?” for Le Monde. He was quoted by Radio France Internationale (online) in the article “Abdourahman Waberi: "Djiboutian history is tragic.”


Amitai Etzioni was featured in The New Yorker article “Are China And The United States Headed For War?” He appeared on Bloomberg’s A Closer Look With Arthur Levitt.

Theatre and Dance

University Writing

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