The Wire
 February 2, 2023
old union fountain
Please feel free to send us any events or suggestions for activities to share with the STS community. Email us!

STS News

Save the Date! - Panel Discussion with Dr. Sato

Thu, Feb 16, 3:30pm
Location TBD

STS Associate Director Dr. Kyoko Sato along with Dr. Bernadette Bensaude-Vincent from Panthéon-Sorbonne University and Dr. Soraya Boudia from the Université Paris Cité will be hosting a panel discussion here at Stanford on the publication Living in A Nuclear World: From Fukushima to HiroshimaMore information about the event will be posted on our STS website soon. Stay tuned!

New STS Courses for AY22/23

STS 158: The Science and Politics of Apocalypse
This course examines how expectations surrounding the end of the world, and the role
that human beings might play in bringing it about, have transformed over the last two
centuries. After a brief look at traditional religious apocalypticism, we explore how
apocalypse came to be reconsidered as an entirely this-worldly phenomenon that falls
within human power to achieve and demands political attention.

Jobs and Internships

person in a suit looking at a resume

Partnerships for Climate Justice in the Bay Area (PCJ in the Bay)

The Haas Center for Public Service offers seven full-time, summer fellowships for undergraduate and graduate students to work with nonprofit and government agencies toward climate justice in the Bay Area. Help build climate resilience and an equitable transition to clean energy in the Bay Area, with an environmental justice lens.

CCSRE Undergraduate Fellowships 

CCSRE's Community-based research fellowship pair students with faculty-led research projects, and the Praxis Fellowships pair students with community organizations. Both support students interested in social justice, community organizing, and race studies.

City & County of San Francisco 2023 Summer Student Intern Program

The City and County of San Francisco is seeking student interns interested in various engineering and architecture disciplines, to provide support to in-house Engineering, Architecture, Landscape Architecture, Planning, Surveying, GIS, and IT staff.  he duration of this internship can be 3-6 months, with an opportunity to extend it based on exemplary performance and necessity.

NASA DEVELOP National Program Participant Summer 2023 Internship

The DEVELOP experience is focused on both conducting and delivering an applied Earth science feasibility project to an end-user. DEVELOP participants work on a team to research the use of NASA Earth observations for environmental community concerns. Participants will conduct a literature review on the scope, methodologies, and types of NASA remote-sensing data applicable to their project. 

Office of Accessible Education Student Assistants

The Stanford Office of Accessible Education employs students as readers, scribes, visual descriptionists, and lab assistants throughout the academic year. Some positions are extremely short-term (for a specific exam, for instance), while others may be for a complete quarter. For non-exam assignments, hours are usually by mutual agreement with the student, and can vary from 2-10 hours per week. Applications are accepted on a continuing basis. If you believe you are a good candidate, please visit OAE | CONNECT and apply for each position in which you’re interested.
Find more internships on Handshake
hands typing on a laptop computer


Navigating Career Uncertainty - Frosh/Soph

Wed, Feb 8, 4:00pm - 5:00pm 
How do you decide what major to study or career to explore? Once I choose a major, how does that relate to my career? How do I learn about the world of work? If I want to have a career in (fill in the blank), how do I begin exploring the career options in that field? If these are some of the questions that you have, participate in this workshop to gain a framework on how to approach your career plans and learn about the resources that will help you make informed decisions at Stanford and beyond.

Public Service & Social Impact Virtual Career Fair

Thu, Feb 23, 11:00am - 2:00pm
There are many ways to make an impact in the world, and these employers can show you how! This fair is a great place to learn about non-profits, education, and public service companies with a social impact and social justice focus. All majors are welcome.
  • STS Website: Visit our Research Opportunities and Careers pages.
  • H&S Career Toolkit on Canvas: A Career Toolkit on Canvas specifically for humanities, arts and sciences students! 
  • Interstride is an interactive career platform that enhances the career exploration and job search process for international students and alum.
  • Handshake: Updated listing for job search events. 
  • BEAM: prepares students and recent alumni to pursue and secure fulfilling careers.
  • Idealist: Good ideas for taking action! 
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