We are in the final month of accepting teams to our OUD & OEN joint project. Please click the button below to access the application(s) and submit to Brenda.Barker@tipqc.org.
Please join us for the Decreasing Stigma & Improving Knowledge of OUD/OEN Learning Session. The meeting runs from 9:00 am - 3:00 pm, with registration opening at 8:30 am. Please register today to let us know you will be joining us! See you in June! View the Agenda
Final opportunity to register any hopsital in the state for this training. TIPQC will pay the cost for all hospitals.....and others if you are interested in the course individually as a perinatal public health stakeholder. Contact brenda.barker@tipqc.org by May 5 to sign up! We have 32 hospitals already signed up! Online course work to start June 1. You’ll find the detailed curriculum with continuing education credits and quite a lot of information on the VON website.
As the IPPLARC project moves into the sustainment phase in the next new months, please note it is also a part of the TIPQC OUD project. Teams interested in beginning the IPPLARC Project, please contact TIPQC! If we have enough teams, a smaller Wave could begin.