The next Financial Stress Reduction® Workshop Telecourses begin in August!
The next Financial Stress Reduction® Workshop Telecourses begin in August!
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Chellie Campbell, Financial Stress Reduction Coach, Author, Speaker

July 12, 2017                       News from Chellie Campbell                   071217

Dear Dolphins,
Dear God, please put the words in my mouth that need to be heard today to help somebody.”
I say this prayer every day. The more I put my attention on helping people – on their needs instead of mine – the better business I do and the happier I am. A sign I posted near my phone says, “Somebody needs your help.” That’s what drives me to speak, to go network, and then pick up the phone and call someone.
Marketing is just holding your hand up and saying this is what I do. If anyone needs this, here I am!
Sales is reaching out to someone you think might need your product or service and making it easy for them to find out more about it.
Last week, I was making calls to people who had attended one of my recent talks. Several people remarked that they were surprised I really did call them, even though I said I would! One woman admiringly called me, “She Who Calls.” That made me laugh!
In one recent 8-week Financial Stress Reduction teleclass, I was reminding all the participants of the importance of making calls (Gold Calls, not cold calls).
“All of you are here in this class because I called you,” I said.
“Yeah, but I was already 70% closed on taking this class after I heard you speak,” said one woman.
“Really?” I said. “So if I hadn’t called you, would you have called me?” I asked.
“No,” she admitted sheepishly.
Another woman piped up then, “I was 70% closed on taking this class after I heard you speak, too!”
“Uh, huh”, I said. “And if I hadn’t called you, would you have called me?”
You see the problem. There are people out there now who have seen you at a networking meeting, met you at a party, heard about your work from a friend, got a referral to you from an associate, read your blog or your book, saw your ad, liked your Facebook page, follows you on Instagram, etc. etc. etc.
And they are already 70% closed on working with you!
But they aren’t going to call you. Why? I gave the reasons in Zero to Zillionaire:
“Because they have a life, they have priorities, they need clients themselves, they have another appointment, it’s their mother’s birthday, they have to wash their hair. You and your stuff are way down at the bottom of their priority list. Even if what you have is what they most need and close to the top of their list, they aren’t going to call you. They have fears. They have objections: You’re going to charge too much, they really should remodel their house first, it’s their daughter’s birthday tomorrow, maybe you aren’t really the best one for the project, it’s too far to drive, they’d have to convince their Significant Other and that might mean an argument and that would lead to problems and oh it’s just easier to forget the whole thing…”
Do you really think you can allay their fears through an endless series of emails? Or texts? Or ads?
You need to get really good at making calls. In a call, you can have a conversation, find out their needs, and understand if they would truly benefit from working with you. Then and only then can you coach people past their fears and objections to take action to achieve the life of their dreams.
I teach people how to do this in my classes. If you'd like some help with this, let's have a conversation, okay? Call me at 310-476-1622 and experience my Gold Call style for yourself. You’ll see how easy and user-friendly it can be!
The Fall Financial Stress Reduction Teleclasses begin in August! 
8 Mondays August 7 – September 25 from 5:00 – 7:00 pm
8 Wednesdays August 9 – September 27 from 5:00 – 7:00 pm
Or just call Chellie today at 310-476-1622 – I’d be delighted to find out more about you and see how I might help you make all your money dreams come true!
Like this:
“I had amazing results.”
"Chellie is the real deal.  I took her class a few years back and had amazing results.  My mindset and business improved drastically.  If you even have an inkling it’s time to work with Chellie, do it!  You’ll be happy you did!!”  JuliAnn Stitick, Speaker, Author, Personal Brand Strategist, 818-653-2101
“Thank you for the magic and miracles…”
 “Chellie. there are not enough words to express my gratitude for what your course has done for me. You have transformed my life in so many ways with more peace and understanding around money. This peace and understanding has bought more harmony in my marriage and more business opportunities. The 'walls of lack and delay have finally come crumbling down' thanks to all those wonderful affirmations. I have finally given up on people pleasing because they are 'not my people!' Thank you for the magic and miracles you have bought to my life. Love you to bits xxooo”—Tanya Pluckrose, Customer Service Demystified,, 310-779-9277
“You will have completely transformed…”
Chellie Campbell's Financial Stress Reduction® Workshop is life-transforming. The workshop is not only about making more money -- it's about learning how to live your life in a way that will bring you more of everything you want. At the beginning of the workshop you tell Chellie what you want your life to look like and her role is to stand in that possibility for you at all times, so that whenever you are struggling she can remind you of what you want, show you how to get out of your own way, and help you return to a more empowered state of being. It really is such a privilege to work with someone at Chellie’s level of experience and expertise. At the very least you will be “better off financially” after the course, but at the very best you will have completely transformed your quality of life to where you can easily reach your life goals, make more money, and truly enjoy your time here swimming with dolphins!—Jaime Geffner, Online Video Producer,
“3 clients signed up for a total of $48,000…”
“Chellie’s affirmations are a magic wand for my business. I have found, over and over again, that when my money and client flow starts to slow down, it is precisely when I have let Chellie’s affirmations slip away from my morning routine. The great thing is that since they work quite magically, all I have to do bring them back in. In one instance, within eight days of bringing back Chellie’s affirmations, 3 clients signed up for a total of $48,000 worth of services. Thank you, thank you, thank you Chellie!”—Sakada,, 310-371-3789
“Right in the middle of the course, all of a sudden I started making an income that I could support myself on.”
“Before I attended Chellie’s course, I had a craft but no income.  Right in the middle of the course, all of a sudden I started making an income that I could support myself on.  It works like magic if you do the homework.  I still carry around my affirmations and read in her book every day.  As I read, I hear her voice reminding me of truths not things I formerly believed.  If you are financially stressed in any way, get yourself signed up for a delightful ride and a paradigm shifting experience.”—Dr. Anastasia Chopelas, Creator of the Diamond Healing Method, 310-692-4036,
Join our next fabulous group of people committed to living a rich life—inside and out. You can begin now to accomplish your goals in just 8 weeks. The course promises
results—not just information—many people have doubled and tripled their income in this workshop!

Business Opportunity:
Now You Can Become a Certified Financial Stress Reduction® Coach!

I’ve been teaching this 8-week workshop for more than 25 years and I love every minute of it! Now I am licensing others to use my name, books, materials, systems and branding – it’s a complete business-in-a-box with everything you need to be successful. If you love teaching, helping others succeed, and would like to make a six-figure income doing it, this program is for you! Click here for more info!
*If you take the Financial Stress Reduction® telecourse and within one year decide to become a Certified Financial Stress Reduction® Coach, your entire course fee will be applied to the cost of the certification program.
Here’s to your fabulous success!
Chellie Campbell
Author, Speaker
Chellie Campbell
The next Financial Stress Reduction® Workshop Telecourses begin in August:

8 Monday Evenings
5:00 – 7:00 p.m. (Pacific Time)
Aug. 7 - Sept. 25, 2017

8 Wednesday Evenings
5:00 -7:00 p.m. (Pacific Time)
Aug. 9 – Sept. 27, 2017
Call Chellie for info
Books by Chellie
From Worry to Wealthy
Zero to Zillionaire
The Wealthy Spirit
Chellie has been featured in a variety of magazines, radio and television interviews
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