Nov 30 - US Shrek Performance 1:00
Nov 30 - Shrek Performance 6:00
Dec 1 - Shrek Performance 6:00
Dec 2 - LS Shrek Performance 9:00
Dec 8 - US Band Performance
Dec 12 - LS Dance Performance
Dec 13 - Exhibit Night P, 1, 3, 5, 7 (5:30-7:00)
Dec 14 - US Dance Performance
Dec 15 - Exhibit Night K, 2, 4, 6,8 (5:30-7:00)
Dec 16 - Read a Rama
Dec 19 -Jan 3 - Winter Break
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Shrek Jr. Musical
We would love to have community and family members buy tickets for our evening performances of Shrek Jr. We are reserving the daytime performances for our students. All upper and lower school students will have the chance to see the musical.
The Normal Park Shrek Jr. Musical tickets are now on sale. They are $10 each. You can purchase your tickets here or by scanning the QR code. Hope to see you there!
Nov 30th upper school @1 and night 1 @ 6:00
Dec 1st Night 2 @ 6:00
Dec 2nd lower school @ 9:00
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Holiday Gift Cards Tis the season to purchase gift cards for your favorite local restaurants!
Spark is once again partnering with Monen Family Restaurants (Taco Mamacita,
Urban Stack, Hi-Fi Clydes Chattanooga, Milk & Honey and Community Pie) and
Lindley Restaurants (Il Primo, Public House and The Social) to sell gift
cards. 20% of every gift card sold goes directly to Normal Park. Gift cards
make great holiday gifts (think teachers, neighbirs and co-workers) and can
also be used for catering orders for holiday lunches! You can purchase via
Venmo, check or click here to download the Order Form gift cards and pay with a credit card.
Thank You to Our Corporate Supporters!
Special thanks to our Normal Park Spark Corporate Sponsors. Corporate
sponsors provide over $40,000 in support every year to Spark. Interested in
how your business can help support Normal Park? Contact Caitlin Studer at
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| Volunteer Opportunities (Click Links)
Upper School is in need of 3 volunteers to update/remove/rehang several Spark and LAC signs. Please contact Caitlin Studer normalparkfund@gmail.com for details.
Donations: Send all donations to Joli Brown at Upper School:
1219 W. Mississippi Ave, Chattanooga, TN 37405
Click link: Small First Aid Kits--We would need 1 pack (12 packs). Nurses will put together the supplies that go in. (2.5 hours per pack)
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Grade Level Memos and Updates
Click here to make School, Learning Expedition, Athletic, or Pre-K payments. Pre-K payments are due at the first of month and can be paid at the link above.
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Students come to the nurse MANY times a day for minor complaints that vary from earache, toothache, sore throat, headache, etc. If you would please fill out the attached sheet and return to school with the medication that would help them function better at school. It would also greatly reduce the need to call you to bring them medication to school or pick them up. Thank you!
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| Grade Level Memos and Updates
Click here to make School, Learning Expedition, Athletic, or Pre-K payments. Pre-K payments are due at the first of month and can be paid at the link above.
Girls Soccer Team—Please turn in your white and blue uniforms to Mrs. Brown in the office. Please be sure your name is with the uniforms.
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Athletic Calendar
Nov 29 - Basketball at home vs CSLA
Dec 1 - Basketball at home vs Sale Creek
Dec 7 - Swim Meet at Baylor
Dec 8 - Basketball at home vs Silverdale
Dec 9 - Basketball at home vs St Jude - 8th grade night
Dec 9 - Climbing Meet downtown vs Ivy
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Middle School Swim (Congrats)
Savannah Dukes - 8
Piper Lawson - 6
Benjamin Sallee - 7
Swim Meet Schedule Baylor/Catoosa - Dec 7 @Baylor
Signal/Heritage/Dalton - Dec 14 @Dalton
McCallie Invitational - Jan 14/15 @McCallie
East Ham/Ooltewah - Jan 23 @Ooltewah
NWGA MS Champs -Jan 27-28 @Calhoun
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NPMM Climbing Team
Nov. 28th @ DOWNTOWN
December Practices
Dec. 2nd, 12th, & 15th @ DOWNTOWN
January Practices
Jan. 12th & 17th @ RIVERSIDE
Jan. 4th @ DOWNTOWN
If you can't make it to a practice, be sure to stop by one of our comps.
December 9th, 6:30 PM, DOWNTOWN, vs. Ivy Academy
December 13th, 4:30 PM, RIVERSIDE, vs. CCS
January 10th, 4:30 PM, DOWNTOWN, vs. Silverdale
January 19th, 4:30 PM, RIVERSIDE, vs. Boyd Buchanan
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2022-23 Lightning Athletic Club Board Members
Emily Goolsby: Director
Joe Winland, Tiffany and Matt Phillips, Alison and John Dorough, Tammi and Eston Mayberry, Caroline and Blake Kaylor, Danielle Farmer, Yasmine Key, Brittany Griffin, Brandi and Eric Engle, Jimmy Gaines, Paul Hoeswicher, and Heather Cockerham.
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Choice Lottery Applications
Dear families of Normal Park magnet students,
The choice lottery application for the 2023-24 school year is available November 14, 2022-January 31, 2023. If you have a Magnet student currently enrolled at Normal Park, their sibling(s) will be given preference as a Magnet student in the choice lottery as space allows for next year. Please fill out the following form and return it to Amy Bevis or Karin Hawkins in the main office by DECEMBER 9th:
Magnet_Open Enrollment Sibling Preference 2023-24.pdf
Note: You do not have to reapply each year for your current magnet student. They will remain a magnet student as long as you reside in Hamilton County, attend your two parent/teacher conferences, and behavior and attendance are not an issue.
DEFINITION OF AN ELIGIBLE SIBLING: brother, sister, half-brother or half-sister, step-brother or step-sister or a student currently enrolled at a Magnet school who reside at the same address of the currently enrolled student. This does NOT include aunts, uncles, cousins, nieces, nephews, etc. In cases involving joint custody, legal documentation is required. Siblings must reside at the same address in order to be eligible for sibling preference. Proof of sibling status may be requested.
***Sibling applicants must complete the choice lottery application online for admissions and sibling preference granted. *** Click here for more information.
February 10, 2023: District runs HCS choice lottery
February 17, 2023: District shares lottery results with families
February 24, 2023: Deadline for families to respond to the choice school offer
Only sibling applicants who apply by January 31, 2023 through the choice lottery will be considered for sibling preference. If you have additional questions, please email choosehamilton@hcde.org or call 423-498-6762. Thank you for choosing Hamilton!
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