PUB's COVID-19 Response
While it certainly had its challenges, the COVID-19 pandemic also presented some opportunities that had positive outcomes for PUB, particularly in the areas of uprading service delivery and addressing social needs. In the process, we were able to be the first to model OU's new classroom technology.
Within 48 hours of the public schools shutting down last spring, PUB was using OU classroom technology to reach into the homes of PUB Scholars to conduct its teacher-lead virtual classroom for its Pontiac International Technology Academy and Pontiac High School students. Within that same time period, PUB pivoted all services from face-to-face to virtual to provide a continuum of academic and solical/emotional support through the end of the 2019-2020 academic year. By being forced to use virtual platforms to keep the Project viable, PUB accomplished a long-term goal of automating services so that, in the future, PUB can offer a hybrid menu of face-to-face and remote services.
One of the ways in which PUB Scholars were affected by COVID-19 was food insecurity. PUB was able to help with that as well. Since PUB's annual six-week Summer Academy could not have a residential component in 2020, PUB advocated on behalf of its Scholars to reallocate unused summer meal funds to relieve COVID-related food insecurities. PUB is grateful to Oakland University and the U.S. Department of Education for working with us to address this need.
Moving forward, PUB will continue to take its cues from OU and remain virtual throughout the 2021 summer in anticipation of facilitating hybrid services beginning in fall 2021. Until then, stay informed about PUB on our web site,, and through our social media outlets: