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STS Wire 2/20/2018

In this Issue
  • Stanford HPC-AI Advisory Council Conference
  • Career Coworking Days - Industry Specialist Guest (H&S Undergrads & Master's)
  • Photographer Mandy Barker: “Our Plastic Ocean - An Unnatural Journey”
  • Think Like an Engineer
  • A Multidimensional Framework for Identifying Actionable and Sustainable Food Security Solutions
Stanford HPC-AI Advisory Council Conference
Join the Stanford High Performance Computing Center, HPC-AI Advisory Council, its members and experts from all over the world for two days of invited and contributed talks and immersive tutorials on topics of great societal impact and responsibility!

February's open forum brings industry luminaries and leading subject matter experts together to examine emerging and major domains and share in-depth insights on AI, Data Sciences, HPC, Machine Learning and more.

We'll delve into a wide range of interests, disciplines and usage models including the latest trends and newest technologies, and share all new best practices in applications, tools, techniques and more. Registration is required, the conference is open to all and free of charge. Read more.

Register today to join us and explore opportunities to collaborate and innovate our way to the future!

Tuesday, February 20/21, 2018 | 9:00AM-7:00PM | Munger Conference Center, Paul Brest Hall
Career Coworking Days - Industry Specialist Guest (H&S Undergrads & Master's)
Community, collaboration, learning, and sustainability. These are all values of the coworking movement*. Join us every other Monday 12:30-2:30pm (and one Tuesday) to do your career work in a supportive space. Bring questions and laptops to work on your job and internship searches with career coaches, alumni mentors, industry specialists, and other students. Work on your resumes, LinkedIn profiles, cover letters, interview prep, or anything else related to your path to meaningful work. This is for bachelor's and master's students in the School of Humanities & Sciences. Our guest list is below. 2/20 (Jennifer Rowland, BEAM Industry Specialist) 3/5 (Sarah Azizi '11, Director of Business Development at Branch) *Why People Thrive in Coworking Spaces, Harvard Business Review https://hbr.org/2015/05/why-people-thrive-in-coworking-spaces.  Read more.
Tuesday, February 20, 2018 | 12:00PM-2:00PM | BEAM
Photographer Mandy Barker: “Our Plastic Ocean - An Unnatural Journey”
A photography talk with Mandy Barker, an international award-winning photographer whose work involving marine plastic debris has received global recognition. The motivation for her science-based photographic works is to raise awareness about plastic pollution in the world's oceans whilst highlighting the harmful effects on marine life and ultimately ourselves. She will be showing images and discussing her work not just documenting the problem of plastic pollution in the seas, but seeking to engage and motivate audiences as well. Visit mandy-barker.com for more about the photographer and her work. Read more.
Tuesday, February 20, 2018 | 12:00PM-1:00PM | McClatchy Hall sub-basement: Building 120, Rm. SB40
Think Like an Engineer
In science, we research, explore and analyze in order to understand our environment.  In design, we create our environment, and then research and analyze to justify our creation.  While the skill sets in science and mathematics are core competencies for engineering, in practice these activities are often derivatives of the intuitive and creative process. 
The reward of engineering is the satisfaction of creating something where there was nothing.  This creation has a purpose and design has a goal.  Goals are not all utilitarian. However, utility is a condition of engineering practice.  In the realm of bridge design, the primary goal is obvious – to carry vehicles from one end to the other.  The utility is more complex.  Most bridges are created with public funds, and prudence at least, and efficiency at best, are obligations.  Both are established at the conceptual design stage, where behavioral concepts lead to structural form, largely defining the amount of materials and the methods of construction that result in an initial cost, service life, and overall utility for the design. 
The history of bridge engineering has many lessons for designs of today, where our modern tools and materials allow us to extend classical concepts and create greater utility in our built environment.  The art of engineering is to make difficult problems seem simple. The talent to visualize and express effective design concepts that one can then prove with analytical science is the mark of an engineer. Read more.
Tuesday, February 20, 2018 | 4:30PM-6:00PM | Paul Berg Hall A
A Multidimensional Framework for Identifying Actionable and Sustainable Food Security Solutions
Feeding humanity in the face of global environmental change requires a holistic perspective that combines scientific evidence with direct stakeholder engagement. Yet the science-policy interface continues to baffle researchers and decision-makers alike. Progressing from global assessments to policy-relevant scales, I will present a multidimensional framework that integrates food security, economic, social, and environmental considerations in order to examine the outcomes of existing agricultural policies as well as expand the suite of feasible solutions. In doing so, this work offers insight for developing effective food security strategies that are receptive and responsive to the priorities of local governments and communities and that enhance the sustainability and adaptability of food systems in developing countries.  Read more.
Wednesday, February 21st, 2018 | 12:30PM-1:20PM | Y2E2, Room #111

STS Summer Research College

During the Summer Quarter of 2018, the STS Program will be participating in Stanford’s Summer Research College. STS will be able to provide six STS affiliated faculty members with a full-time undergraduate research assistant. Participants will work directly with a faculty mentor for ten weeks during the summer. The program is designed to foster close intellectual exchange by involving students in the ongoing research of Stanford faculty members.

 Duke Science Policy Summer Institute

 This writing-intensive 10-week program at Duke University (May 29 – August 3, 2018) will give participants a grounding in how to read, write, and understand science policy. During a 4-week curriculum, participants will learn the basics of Science Communication, U.S. Civics, Finance & U.S. Markets, Writing for a Policy Audience (Briefs, Memos & Analyses), and Professional Ethics in Science Policy. The optional 6-week practicum extension to the program will allow participants to create policy portfolios by working in the SciPol office to produce policy briefs, memos and legislation for local and national clients at the nexus of science and policy.
Read more.

 Science Communications Intern at KQED

 The Science Communications team includes public relations, social media promotion, content distribution, community outreach and audience engagement. The department creates and distributes all promotional materials and advertising for KQED Science.  Communications Interns extend the efforts of the department by assisting with day-to-day requests and ongoing projects within the department.
Read more.

BEAM Job Postings
Design Intern - Roblox
Tech Writer Intern - InvenSense 
Visual Design Intern - Adobe Systems
Digital Media Intern - Yosemite Conservancy
Health Policy Coordinator - Silicon Valley Leadership Group

Login to your Handshake account to view the job postings. More jobs can be found at Handshake.
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