Global Innovation + Training
Global Innovation + Training


5 minute read

Serving with Easy Company, in the 101st Airborne Division, 506th Parachute Infantry Regiment, Lipton was a favorite among his troops as First Sergeant. He had “boots” on the ground with his men from the moment of his parachute landing in France, through Holland, through the long and wintry Battle of the Bulge, and all the way to the Eagle’s Nest (Hitler’s mountaintop fortress in Austria). He kept them focused and kept them encouraged. He never sent his troops on ahead. He always showed them the way and courageously led them into battle, every step of the way.  Carwood Lipton was the embodiment of the “Doer.”  
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The Benefits of Embracing


7 minute read

How does a relational ministry thrive in a social distancing world. All of us have pondered, “how will we reach more kids when we can’t even be in a room with them?” But maybe there is another perspective that we can embrace?  The phrase I have heard this week is “new normal.” I’ve been told we need to accept it, acknowledge it, get used to it, and adjust to it. The new normal could be a world with 6 feet of personal space, masks, essential travel, and governmental directives but here is the part of the new normal that I think could be helpful.  
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[Milestone Events]

6 min read

All throughout scripture, when the people of Israel forgot to remember, they started to wander. Sometimes for 40 years. Because of that temptation, they were given the gift of seven Hebrew festivals in scripture. These celebrations  provided an opportunity to remember. For Christians, sacraments have provided the same opportunity. As a YL mission, we want to embrace the same discipline - to remember God’s power and presence in our lives and our ministry. 
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7 minute read

“Sorry I have to do an internship this summer.”  
Have you ever been told this when you are talking to a college student about Summer Staff? Me too. It seems like unpaid internships (free labor for companies) have been increasing each year. These prevent more and more sharp students from serving on Summer Staff. Instead, they file papers, answer phones, and go get coffee when they could be growing in leadership and faith through Young Life Camp.

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5 minute read 

More comfortable online than out partying, post-Millennials are safer, physically, than adolescents have ever been. But they’re on the brink of a mental-health crisis. (...) The biggest difference between the Millennials and their predecessors was in how they viewed the world; teens today differ from the Millennials not just in their views but in how they spend their time. The experiences they have every day are radically different from those of the generation that came of age just a few years before them.
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What are some innovative ways you are staying connected to kids/donors/leaders/committee and your YL community during this time?

One Question Survey

Upcoming Trainings

WILL YOU BE READY WHEN CLUB STARTS AGAIN IN FALL?  Join our Virtual 5-Week Brilliant at the Basics Cohort!  Over the past two years, dozens of regions have formed Brilliant at the Basics Cohorts and now we are offering this training on-line! This is your chance to review the blocking and tackling of Young Life, how contact work relates to every part of club, and kid ownership that can help your ministry effectiveness double or triple. Your Area/Region/Division can be a part of a virtual Brilliant at the Basics cohort over five weeks (starting April 8) on a weekly one hour interactive Zoom session.  For more information and to register for this cohort, CLICK HERE.  
ADULT GUEST SWEEPSTAKES:  Win a free Adult Guest experience this Summer. Click HERE for details.
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