The General Club Leader’s Meeting taking place on Oct. 16, 2024 (while youth officer training is taking place) will cover important changes to the Leaders Association and Board of Directors structure.
RSVP here. The Agenda will include:
New structure for the Leaders Association Board and by-law changes
• The Leaders Association Board members will consist of each club having 1 adult & 1 youth representative
• In Nov. each club should determine (by appointment, vote, volunteering, etc.) who will be their club representatives that will attend Board meetings
• First Meeting In Dec. Those representatives, known as the Board of Directors, will nominate a slate of Officers
• January 2025 – This Board Meeting will consist of team-building, fun and orientation to the Leaders Association business.
• Monthly meetings will have a different focus each month, for example:
Month 1: General Meeting
Month 2: Committee Work
Month 3: Programing/Educational growth & experiences (i.e. presentations, fun, resource sharing, food)
Highlights of Leaders Association Budget
• Club Grant Program
• Impact of Fundraisers on Wash Co. 4-H youth programming
Review of Leaders Board Purpose
• EDUCATION: Support the development of youth and adult volunteers by providing a forum for open communication and learning.
• PROGRAMMING: Support county-wide 4-H programs and activities.
• FUNDRAISING: Raise and distribute funds that support 4-H programs and activities.
• RECOGNITION: Develop and implement an awards and recognition system for Washington County 4-H members and adult volunteers.
RSVP for Oct. 16th General Leaders Meeting: General Leader Meeting or call the Extension office at 262-335-4478
RSVP for Oct 16th Youth Officer Training: Youth Officer Training RSVP or call the Extension office at 262-335-4478