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News from the Northeast

August 2, 2016
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Upcoming Deadlines

September 7, 2016
Grant Applications Due
September 9, 2016
Convention Sponsorship Opportunities form due

September 18, 2016
Early Bird Registration deadline

Save the Date!

November 3-6, 2016
Northeast Distict Convention
Albany, New York
March 3-5, 2017
WRJ Fried Leadership Conference
Charleston, S.C.
May 21-29, 2017
WRJ Mission to Israel

WRJ Calendar is online

The WRJ printable and digital Calendars are here...
in free online versions. For those who prefer paper, a single-page monthly version is available for printing.
Get your calendar HERE.

Need help planning your 2016‑2017 calendar?

Engage a speaker!
Each Sisterhood in the Northeast District is entitled to a District Speaker once every two years without expense to the Sisterhood – as well as a speaker from the Board of WRJ in alternate years
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Wishing everyone a wonderful summer!

The next e-blast will be sent on September 6, 2016

Message from Trina Novak
Northeast District Vice President

Our agrarian ancestors were very wise people. They followed a calendar set not only by the seasons, but also by the sacred times set out by God through Moses. Written down in Torah, these moadim – appointed or set times – allowed a separation of secular and sacred time. Shabbat became the weekly time to stop and to connect with the holy, as did the other holidays built into the calendar. In addition, our ancestors would stop three times each year, collect their best offerings, and on Pesach, Shavuot, and Sukkot, make a pilgrimage to the Temple in Jerusalem, taking a break from their everyday lives.

In these modern times it seems we are always rushing about from one task to another, and it takes a conscious effort to slow down and take a well-deserved breather from the demands of daily life. It takes a well thought-out effort, and often a reminder in our online calendars, to get us to take that time to stop and reconnect to our inner selves and to something beyond ourselves.

We women of the Northeast District have a wonderful opportunity to take a break from our secular lives. I invite you to join me at the Fifth Northeast District Biennial Convention taking place November 3-6, 2016, in Albany, NY. The theme of the convention is Kol Isha – Voices in Harmony. This will be a time to join together to learn, to listen, to pray, to share, and to connect with women from around the district. A variety of workshops are being offered, the plenaries will be informative, and the Shabbat services promise to be extraordinary. There will also be time to relax and to have fun while enjoying each other’s company.

Give yourselves a few moments to check out all the details about the convention HERE. Then take a few more moments to register for the convention, to obtain a hotel room, and to mark your online calendar with the convention dates. I look forward to seeing you in Albany!

Trina Novak, VP of Marketing & Communications

Convention is Coming!
Registration Time is Here!

November 3-6, 2016
in Albany, NY 

Our Scholar-In-Residence is Cantor Claire Franco from The Community Synagogue in Port Washington, NY. You can read Cantor Franco's biography HERE.

WRJ Vice President of Affiliate Services, Sherri Feuer from Temple Israel in Minneapolis, MN will join us as our WRJ representative. You can read Sherri's biography HERE.
Register for Convention HERE.
Hotel Reservations can be made HERE.
Sisterhood Grant Application... available for those sisterhoods that did not send a representative to our 2014 District Biennial. Click HERE.
Become a Convention Sponsor... Sisterhoods, companies, and individuals can sponsor a portion of the convention to recognize board members or sisterhoods. LEARN MORE..
Support the YES Fund... Congratulate members of the District Board or your Sisterhood by purchasing leaves for our YES Fund tree. Reserve your leaves HERE.
Follow our Facebook Event Page... Keep up to date on all the latest news on our Convention by RSVPing and FOLLOWING our Biennial Event page. Check it out HERE.

News From Our Sisterhoods...

North Country Reform Temple, Glen Cove, NY
Celebrating the end of another great year, the Sisterhood of NCRT in Glen Cove, NY, held their annual members dinner in June. It is a fun way to send our ladies off before the summer begons. In the picture, you may recognize their immediate Past President and one of our District Area Directors, Alissa Woska. They may be one of our smaller Sisterhoods, but they are a very dedicated group with much looked forward to events such as their Chocolate Seder and Sisterhood Shabbat.

WRJ Trip to Israel
Join WRJ on a trip to Israel in May 2017
The trip is appropriate for both first-time and experienced Israel travelers.
Check our the special 
Israel Trip Blog
by our own District President, Denise Levine.

Did you know...?
...that there are currently 10 Jewish Senators including Bernie Sanders and NY's own Chuck Schumer
...that there are currently 19 Jewish Representatives in Congress, including 5 from NY and 1 from RI
...that some of the many Jewish Obama Administration members include the Chairwoman of the Federal Reserve, the Ambassador of Religious Freedom, the Liason to the LGBT Community, and the Senior Advisor to the President
...that 3 of the 8 current Supreme Court Justices are Jewish, including Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Stephen Breyer, and Elana Kagan
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